Shoalhaven Gospel Church

What Is A Christian?

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

The Dangers Of Pleasing Men

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

Another Gospel

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

Brotherly Love Taught Of God

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia.

The Simplicity That Is In Christ

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia.

He Withdrew

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

By The Works Of The Law Shall No Flesh Be Justified

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

The Work Of Faith With Power

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

A Manifest Token

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

Preacheth The Faith

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

God Accepteth No Man's Person

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

Them That Know Not God

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

God Hath From The Beginning Chosen You Unto Salvation

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

Begun In The Spirit

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

Know Them Which Labour Among You

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia.

There Be Some That Trouble You

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

Waiting For The Consolation Of Israel

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia.

Come Before His Presence With Singing

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia.

Therefore Brethren Stand Fast

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

Who Loved Me And Gave Himself For Me

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

Comfort Your Hearts

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

They Shall Say Peace And Safety

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia.

The Lord Make You To Increase And Abound In Love

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia.

Love Is Of God

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

Comfort One Another With These Words

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia.

Coming Up Out Of The Wilderness

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

Thou Shalt Smite The Rock

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

Sermons by Shoalhaven Gospel Church

These are sermons given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia


A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

Any Other Gospel

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

Our Father Hath Loved Us

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

He Hath Made Him Sin

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia.

He Is Able

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia.

Rejoice Evermore

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

Despise Not Prophesyings

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

The Apostles Comfort

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia.

We Exhort You

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia.

The Treasure Of A Tried And Tested Faith

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

The Things Concerning Himself

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

The Truth Of The Gospel

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

The Very God Of Peace

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

Christ Is The Covenant

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

But When It Pleased God

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

Grace Unto You

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

Quench Not The Spirit

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

But I Would Not Have You To Be Ignorant, Brethren

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia.

Faith Honours The Character Of God

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

Living Unto God

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

Behold My Hands And My Feet

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

In Everything Give Thanks

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

The Gospel of God

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the  Shoalhaven  Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia.

Gospel Preachers

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the  Shoalhaven  Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia.

The Gospel Of Free Sovereign Grace

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

Frustrating The Grace Of God

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

Pray Without Ceasing

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

Herein Is Love

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia

What mean ye by this service? Blood bought blessings

A sermon given by Angus Fisher of the Shoalhaven Gospel Church in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia.