Michael Cocoris

Rom 36 The Believer's Motivation

Rom. 13:11-14 The Believer's Motivation

Genesis 43 Getting Rich

Genesis 30:25-43 GETTING Rich

Holy Spirit 06 The Power Of The Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit - The Power of the Holy Spirit 

Holy Spirit 04 The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit - The gifts of the Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit 01 An Introduction To The Holy Spirit

An Introduction to the Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit 03 The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit - The Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit 08 The Transformation Of The Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit - The transformation of the Holy Spirit 

Holy Spirit 05 The Filling Of The Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit - The Filling of the Holy Spirit 

Psalm 0 How To Understand The Psalms

Psalms - How to understand the Psalms

Holy Spirit 02 The Initial Work Of The Holy Spirit

The Initial Work of the Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit 07 The Fruit Of The Holy Spirit

the Fruit of the Holy Spirit 

Genesis 59 A Simple Basis For Decision Making

Genesis 46:1-30-  A Simple Basis For  Decision Making

Rom 21 The Agony And Estasy

Rom. 8:18-30 The Agony and Estasy

Act 38 A Study In Motivation

Acts 19:21-41 A Study in Motivation

Genesis 22 How To Avoid Strife And Be Blessed

Genesis 13: 1-18 How to Avoid Strife and Be Blessed

Genesis 26 When Faced With An Impossible Situation

Genesis 17: 1-27 When Faced with an Impossible Situation

Rom 28 Is God Finished With Israel

Romans 11:1-10 Is God Finished with Israel?

How God Treats His Children 03 Discipline

How God Treats his Chidren - Discipline

2 Peter 16 The Future Determines The Present ( Part 3)

2 Peter 3: 17-18 The Future determines the Present (Part 3)

2 Peter 17 A Reminder Of God's Great Promises

2 Peter - (Review) A reminder of God's Great Promises

Genesis 36 Does God Soverignly Elect

Genesis 25:1-11 Does God  Sovereignly  Elect

Psalm 25 When You Need Forgiveness

Psalm 25 - When You need Forgiveness

Rom 23 The Jewish Question

Rom. 9:1-7 The Jewish Question

Rom 37 The Debate Over Doubtful Things

Rom. 14:1-13 The Debate over Doubtful things

Zephaniah 03 The Day Of The Lord Will Visit Jerusalem

Zephaniah 03 The Day Of The Lord Will Visit Jerusalem

Zephaniah 01 The Day Of The Lord Came To Visit Judah

Zephaniah 01 The Day Of The Lord Came To Visit Judah

Psalm 34 When You Are Delivered From A Fearful Situation

Psalm 34 - When You Are Delivered from a Fearful Situation

2 Peter 08 1 5 The Motivation For Spiritual Growth

2 Peter 1:5 The Motivation to Spiritual Growth

2 Peter 11 The Anatomy Of A False Teacher

2 Peter 2: 10- 17 The Anatomy of a False Teacher

Questioning Christianity 02 Is The Bible Reliable

Questioning Christianity - Is the Bible Reliable?

Genesis 29 The Danger Of Living In The World

Genesis 19: 1-38 The Danger of Living in the World

Questioning Christianity 06 How Can A Just God Condemn Those Who Have Not Heard

How can a Just God condemn those who have never heard?

Questioning Christianity 11 Isn't Forgiveness By Just Believing Too Simple

Isn't just Believing too Simple?

Questioning Christianity 1 Can You Prove There Is A God

Questioning Christianity - Can you Prove there is a God?

Genesis 39 A Take Of Twins Esau And Jacob

Genesis 26:34-28:08 - A tale of twins Esau and Jacob

Rom 44 Review Getting Life Right

Romans - Review of Book

Genesis 42 A Tale Of Two Women

Genesis 29:30-30:24 A tale of Two Women

How God Treats His Children 04 Anger

How God Treats His Children - Anger

How God Treats His Children 09 Inheritance

How God Treats His Children  - inheritance 

Genesis 50 How To Handle Hatred

Genesis 37:2-36 How to handle hatred

Genesis 48 The Ups And Downs Of Life

Genesis 35:1-29 -  The Ups & Downs of Life

How God Treats His Children 08 Overcomers

How God Treats his children - overcomes

Genesis 53 The Dungeon Of Discouragement

Genesis 40:1-23 - The Dungeon of Discouragement

Genesis 54 All Because Of A Dream

Genesis 41:1-57 - All Because of a Dream

Genesis 51 God's Unbelieveable Faithfulness

Genesis 38:1-30 - Gods  Unbelievable  Faithfulness

Genesis 52 When You Honor The Lord

Genesis 39:1-23 - When You Honor the Lord

Genesis 57 To Be Completely Reconciled

Genesis 44:1-34 =  To Be Completely Reconciled

Genesis 58 What Makes Reconciliation Possible

Genesis 45:1-28 -  What Makes Reconciliation Possible?

Genesis 56 On The Way To Reconciliation

Genesis 44:1-34 - On the Way to Reconciliation

Genesis 61 Living Faith

Genesis 48:1-20 - Living Faith

Genesis 60 Staying Focused

Genesis 46:31-47:1 - Staying Focused

Genesis 65 Overview Of Genesis

Genesis Overview - Big idea

Genesis 63 Funeral Arrangements

Genesis 49:29-50:14 - Funeral  Arrangements 

Jonah 06 The God Of The Second Chance

Jonah 3 1-2 The God of the Second chance

Psalm 23 When The Lord Is Your Shepherd

Psalm 23 - When the Lord is Your Shepherd 

Psalm 24 When You Seek To Approach God

Psalm 24 - When You Seek to Approach God

Psalm 27 When You Are Facing A Danger

Psalm 27 - When You are Facing a Danger

Psalm 28 When You Deal With Wicked Enemies

Psalm 28 - When you deal with wicked enemies 

Psalm 31 When You Are In Agony

Psalm 31 - When You are in Agony

Rom 01 What Are We Doing Here

Romans 1:1-7 What are we doing here?

Psalm 32 When You Contemplate Forgiveness

Psalm 32 When You Contemplate Forgiveness

Rom 10 The Proof Of Justification By Faith Alone

Rom. 4:1-16 The Proof of Justification by Faith Alone.

Rom 08 The Awesome Conclusion

Rom. 3:7-20 The Awesome Conclusion

Rom 09 Man's Only Hope Of Heaven

Rom. 3:21-31 Man's only hope of heaven.

Rom 11 The Model Of Faith

Rom. 4:17-25 The Model of Faith

Rom 12 The Benefits Of Justification

Rom. 5:1-11 The Benefits of Justification

Rom 17 Is The Problem The Law

Rom. 7:7-12 Is the problem the Law?

Rom 16 What Does Not Being Under The Law Mean

Rom. 7:1-6 What does not being under the Law mean?

Rom 20 The Obligation And Opportunity

Rom. 8:12-17 The Obligation and opportunity.

Rom 26 Not Saved Because They Are Not Elect

Romans 9:30-10:30 Are People Not Saved Because They Are Not Elect?

Rom 24 Is God's Side Losing

Rom. 9:6-13 Is God's Side Losing?

Romans 22 How Good Is Our Gurantee Of Glory

Romans 8:31-32

Rom 32 True Love ( Part 1)

Rom. 12:9-21 True Love Part 1

Rom 33 True Love ( Part 2)

Rom. 12:9-21 True Love (part 2)

Zephaniah 02 The Day Of The Lord Will Visit The Nations

Zephaniah 02 The Day Of The Lord Will Visit The Nations

Rom 41 What A List Of Names

Rom. 16:1-27 What a list of Names

Rom 39 The Solution To Doubtful Things

Romans 15:1-13 The Solution to Doubtful Things

Zephaniah 04 The Day Of The Lord Will Bless Israel

Zephaniah 04 The Day Of The Lord Will Bless Israel

Rom 40 What Is Your Ambition

Rom. 15:14-33 What is your Ambition?

Rom 43 Praise Our Powerful God

Rom. 16:25-27 Praise our Powerful God

Psalm 33 When You Consider God's Word And Works

Psalm 33 - When You Consider God's Word and Work

Judges 07 I Believe, Help My Unbelief

Judges 7: 1-25 I believe, help my unbelief

Genesis 23 Acknowledging God's Blessing

Genesis 14: 1-24 Acknowledging God's Blessing

Genesis 27 Dealing With Doubt

2 Peter 

James 02 Suppose I Don't

James 1: 6-8 Suppose I don't

Genesis 24 How Good Are God's Promises

Genesis 15: 1-21  How Good are God's Promises?

Genesis 25 Does God Really Care

Genesis 16: 1-16 Does God Really Care?

2 Peter 12 The Victims Of A False Teachers

2 Peter 2: 18-22 The Victims of False Teachers

Genesis 30 Repeated Failure

Genesis 20: 1-18 Repeated Failure

Questioning Christianity 03 Are Miracles Possible

Are Miracles possible?

2 Peter 09 You Need To Hear It Until

2 Peter 1: 12-21 You need to Hear it Until...

Genesis 28 Why God Does Not Judge America Now

Genesis 18: 16-36 Why God Does not Judge America

2 Peter 10 Believers Beware

2 Peter 2: 1-9 - Believers Beware

2 Peter 15 The Future Determines The Present ( Part 2)

2 Peter 3: 11-15 The Future Determines the Present (Part 2)

Genesis 33 God Test

Genesis 22: 1-24 God Test

Questioning Christianity 07 How Can A Loving God Judge People

How can a loving God Judge people?

Genesis 34 Dealing With Death In The Family

Genesis 23-1-20 Dealing with a Death in the family

Questioning Christianity 08 Is Christ The Only Way To Heaven

Is Christ the Only way to heaven?

2 Peter 13 When You Encounter A Scoffer

2 Peter 3: 1-10 When You Encounter a Scoffer

Genesis 31 When God Fulfills His Promise

Genesis 21: 1-22 When God Fulfills His promise

Questioning Christianity 05 How Can A God Allow Suffering

How can God allow Suffering

2 Peter 14 The Future Determines The Present ( Part 1)

2 Peter 3: 11-13 The Future Determines the Present (Part 1)

Genesis 32 Living In Peace

Genesis 21:22-31 Living in Peace

Genesis 37 God's Faithfulness And Our Fickleness

Genesis 26:1-11 God's Faithfulness and our Fickleness 

Questioning Christianity 12 If Christianity Is True, Why Doesn't Everyone Belie…

If Christianity is True, Why doesn't Everyone believe?

Genesis 35 Not All God's Work Is Supernatural

Genesis 24:1-67

Questioning Christianity 09 Why Are There So Many Hypocrites

Why Are there so many hypocrites?

Questioning Christianity 10 Won't Good Works Get Me To Heaven

Won't Good Works get me to Heaven?

Rom 02 Are You Ready

Romans 1: 8-17 Are you ready?

Genesis 40 God's Encouragement

Genesis 28: 11-22 God's Encouragement

Genesis 41 What Goes Around Comes Around

Genesis 29: 1-29 What Goes Around Comes Around

Genesis 38 Opposition And Opportunity

Genesis 26:12-33 _ Opposition and Opportunity

Questioning Christianity 4 Isnt Christianity Just A Psychological Experience

Isn't Christianity just a Psychological Experience?

Genesis 44 A Call To Duty

Genesis 31:1-55 A call To duty

How God Treats His Children 01 Blessing

How God Treats his Children - Blessing

How God Treats His Children 02 Encouragement

How God Treats his Children - Encouragement 

Rom 31 The Appropriate Response

Rom. 12:1-8 The Appropriate Response

Genesis 46 When You Need To Be Reconciled

Genesis 33:1-20  When You Need to be Reconciled

How God Treats His Children 05 The Judgement Seat Of Christ

How God Treats his Children - the judgement seat of Christ

Genesis 47 Responding To Wickness

​Genesis 34:1-31   Responding to Wickedness

How God Treats His Children 06 Rewards

How God Treats his Children - Rewards

Genesis 45 Preparing For The Coming Danger

Genesis 32:1-32   Preparing For The Coming Danger

How God Treats His Children 10 Dis Inheritance

How God Treats His Children - Inheritance

How God Treats His Children 07 Crowns

How God Treats His Children - Crowns

Genesis 49 Whatever Happened To

Genesis 36:1-37:1 - Whatever happened to

How God Treats His Children 13 Conclusion

How God Treats his Children - conclusion

How God Treats His Children 11 Loss Of Rewards

How God Treats his Children - Loss of Rewards

How God Treats His Children 12 Our Reaction

How God Treats His Children - Our response

Genesis 55 How To Handle A Gross Injustice

Genesis 42:1-38 - how to  handle  a  gross  injustice 

Genesis 62 Not All Inheritance Is Equal

Genesis 49:1-28 _ Not All Inheritance is  Equal  

Genesis 64 Mature Faith

Genesis 50:15-26 - Mature Faith

Psalm 20 When You Are Facing A Battle

Psalm 20 - When you are facing a battle

Psalm 21 When Your Battle Is Won

Psalm 21 - When the Battle is won

Psalm 26 When You Are Falsely Accused

Psalm 26 When You Are Falsely Accused 

Rom 03 Are You Embarrassed

Romans 1:16-17 Are you embarrassed?

Psalm 29 When You Are Watching A Thunderstorm

Psalm 29 - When You Are Watching a Thunderstorm

Psalm 30 When You Are Delivered From Deaths Door

Psalm 30 When You are Delivered From Death's door

Rom 06 But I'm Religious

Rom. 2:17-29 But I am Religious

Rom 07 But I Have An Advantage

Rom. 3:1-8 But I have an advantage

Rom 04 Mans Great Problem

Romans 1:18-32 Man's Great Problem - Run over

Rom 05 But I'm Righteous

Rom. 2:1-16 But I'm Righteous

Rom 13 You Can Really Live

Rom. 5:12-21 You Can Really Live

Rom 14 Shall We Sin So That Grace Can Be Displayed

Rom. 6:1-14 Shall we sin so that grace can be displayed?

Rom 18 What Is The Problem

Rom. 7:13-25 What is the problem?

Rom 15 Shall We Sin Because We Are Not Under The Law

Rom. 6:15-23 Shall we sin because we are not under the law

Rom 19 What Is The Solution

Rom. 8:1-11 What is the solution?

Rom 27 What Does It Take For People To Be Saved

Romans 10:14-21 What does it take for people to be saved?

Rom 29 Does God Have A Future Program For Israel

Rom. 11:11-24 Does God Have a Future Program for Israel?

Rom 30 Well, What Is The Answer To The Jewish Question

Rom. 11:25-36 Well, What is the answer to the Jewish Question?

Rom 38 How To Handle The Overly Scrupulous

Rom. 14:14-23 How to handle the overly scrupulous 

Rom 34 Christian Citizenship To The State ( Part 1)

Rom. 13:1-7 Christian Citizenship to the State (Part 1)

Rom 35 Christian Citizenship Within The State ( Part 2)

Rom. 13:8-10 Christian Citizenship within the State

Rom 42 Kiss Some Avoid Others

Rom. 16:17-24 Kiss some - Avoid others