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What Happened To Alanna

In Atlantic Narratives: Modern Short Stories; Second Series

Read by helenjjacobs

Kathleen Norris

This book is composed of 24 short stories, published in 1918 by the Atlantic Monthly Press, and is the second collection of "modern sho…

Richard Feverel and the Hay-Rick, Part 1

In From the Tower Window of My Bookhouse

Read by helenjjacobs

George Meredith and Variousandolive Beaupre Miller

Full of delightful fairy tales, charming poems and engaging stories, this is the fifth volume of the "My Bookhouse" series for lit…

The Church-Bell

In Nets to Catch the Wind

Read by helenjjacobs

Elinor Wylie

This is the first volume of Poems by American poet and novelist Elinor Wylie, published in 1921. - Summary by Carolin