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The Legend of the New Year

In The Coming of the Princess, and Other Poems

Read by CJ Baars

Kate Seymour MacLean

There is truth, doubtless, in the remark, that we are enriched less by what we have than by what we hope to have. As the poetic art in Canad…


In Miscellaneous Poems

Read by CJ Baars

James Russell Lowell

This is the second part of James Russell Lowell's collected poems: the Miscellaneous Poems. This series of poems covers, as the title implie…

The Johnstown Disaster

In Gleams of Sunshine

Read by CJ Baars

Joseph Horatio Chant

This is a volume of religious, and as the subtitle of the book says, 'optimistic' poems by J.H. Chant, a Canadian minister of the United Chu…

The Ballad of Reading Gaol, I

In Selected Poems of Oscar Wilde

Read by CJ Baars

Oscar Wilde

This is a selection of the early poetry of Oscar Wilde, selected by Robert Ross. As he puts it, "It is thought that a selection from Os…


In The Testimony of the Suns, and other Poems

Read by CJ Baars

George Sterling

This is the first published volume of poetry by Californian author and poet George Sterling. These poems are the beginning of Sterling's gre…

Book I - VII - Laudabunt Alii

In The Odes and Carmen Saeculare

Read by CJ Baars

Quintus Horatius Flaccus (Horace) and Quintus Horatius Flaccus

Flawlessly hammered out, as if from eternal bronze—"aere perennius"—The Odes of Horace are the consummate expression of the pride,…

The Dryad

In Beyond the Hills of Dream

Read by CJ Baars

William Wilfred Campbell

William Wilfred Campbell was a Canadian author and poet. Some of his poems are among the most famous Canadian poems of all time, and many co…

On the Bridge

In Songs of Sea and Sail

Read by CJ Baars

Thomas Fleming Day

Thomas Fleming Day was an American sailboat designer and sailboat racer. He was the founding editor of Rudder, a monthly magazine about boat…