Sheridan Voysey

041 The 5 Love Languages with Gary Chapman

I recently went to Australia to be with my mother as she started chemotherapy. I went on that trip hoping to provide some practical help, an…

039 How to Write Your Memoir

So, you have a book burning within you. You want to write your memoir or autobiography. How do you mine your life for its gold and…

Are Angels Real? These Stories Will Get You Wondering

When I raised the topic of angelic encounters with my social media friends, I was expecting some nice stories about lights in the sky and ki…

050 How to Turn Pain into Strength

Researchers into resilience say we bounce back from adversity better when we can turn our weakness into strength and our pain into power. It…

023 The Seven Signs Of Forgiveness

Few of us get through life without experiencing some deep offence done to us. How do we forgive the offenders? Should we even try? In this p…

How To Create Hope

In a world where there is brokenness and decay at every turn, how can Christians be a voice of hope? How can we ensure our words, messages, …

059 Seven Ways God Might Be Speaking To You

In Scripture we find God speaking through peals of thunder, pillars of cloud, flaming bushes, even donkeys. He used prophets, angels, the be…

031 Discover Your Purpose by Uncovering Your SHAPE

Eric Rees on discovering your purpose by uncovering your SHAPE: your unique mix of Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality type and E…

025 The Nicky Cruz Interview

Reared in an abusive home, Nicky Cruz joined Brooklyn’s infamous Mau-Maus gang and rose to become one of New York’s most feared gang leaders…

051 10 Ways to Simplify Your Life

No one wants to live in poverty, but our increasing affluence has led to other problems. We can want too much, be pulled in too many directi…

047 How and When to Share Your Pain

By taking the risky step of sharing your pain with others, surprising community can result. But there's a time to share your suffering with …

052 The Ancient Prayer That Can Change Your Life

It is prayed each Sunday in churches. Some of us grew up reciting it daily in school. It can suffer from both neglect and mindless repetitio…

040 Rethinking Celibacy for the Single Christian

What do you think of when you hear the word ‘celibacy’? Do you think of monks, nuns, robes and rosary beads? Do you consider it the for…

054 Overcoming the 4 Forces that Destroy Relationships

When people ask me what personal discoveries I made reading the Sermon on the Mount every day for a month (then two months, then three), I m…

008 The Marilynne Robinson Interview

An interview with Pulitzer Prize- winning author Marilynne Robinson

065 Why You Should Keep a Journal (But NOT Every Day)

If you’re a journal-keeper from way back, you’ll probably nod in sage agreement at the 7 Great Benefits of Journaling in this podcast. But i…

The One Question the Dalai Lama Couldn't Answer. Can You?

I once went to hear the Dalai Lama give a public talk. He spoke on the importance of compassion, then took questions from the audience. The …

Where is Home for You?

Where is 'home' for you—that place where you feel you most belong? Is it the house where you grew up? Is it your current home? Is it just be…

058 Hot Hear God's Voice

Each of us has some important decisions to make over the course of our lives. Should we marry? If so, who? Should we take that new…

024 A Simple Rhythm for a Profound Spritual Life

Have you ever noticed that Jesus never called his earliest followers to pray, do justice, heal the sick or share the gospel? Not at first an…

Confused About the Direction of Your Life? This Might Help

My life has been anything but a straight path. I’ve been nightclub DJ, a youth worker, a radio host, an author, a speaker; I’ve had spiritua…

FREE eBook: Five practices for a Resilient Life

Researchers into resilience are agreed: there are mental, emotional, social, and spiritual factors that help build inner strength in us. In …

032 Six Tests for a God-Given Dream

We all have dreams for our lives, families, businesses or church ministries. One thing is sure: God's dream for us is better than our own. B…

The Disastrous Night That Changed My Life (FREE Audiobook Download)

It was late, the club was packed, and I was one of the featured DJs. The night would be both a disaster, and one that would change the cours…

020 How to Prepare for a Pilgrimage

At its best, a pilgrimage is a meaningful journey with a sacred purpose. Have you ever wanted to do one? If so, here are 4 tips we've learne…

064 A Miracle Story I Can Believe: Sean George Raised From the Dead

Miracles can be hard for the modern mind to accept. And I can be sceptical myself about 'miracle' stories. I've heard too many that proved t…

027 The Wise Men of Christmas and Your Spirituality

The story of the Wise Men following a star to find the Christ child is one of the most retold stories at Christmas time. And for good reason…

Do You Need a 'Fallow Year'? The Ancient Art of a Year of Rest

'You reap what you sow' is a powerful principle describing the way much of life works. Plant a seed of goodness, kindness or faith, and a ha…

033 When Do You Let a Dream Die?

In my book Resurrection Year I shared how Merryn and I brought our dream of having a family to an end. Since then I've even advised people t…

How Author Beth Moran Broke Her Life of Silence

Imagine dropping grades in exams because your pen ran out of ink and you couldn’t ask for a replacement. Imagine hiding from friends you saw…

048 Finding God in Unexpected Places (5 Great Stories)

God always seems to turn up in unexpected places. Here are five contemporary stories to show you what I mean.

How This 7th-Century Saint Can Help You Discover Your Gifts

As Saint Hilda helps a farmhand named Caedmon test his unexpected calling, we can learn how to discover our own God-given dreams and gifts

Got Some Goals for the New Year? Great. Just Don't Forget This

I can be a real dreamer. There’s always a book, a media project, a life ambition waiting in the wings. So when BBC Radio 2 asked what my hop…

015 The Eugene Peterson Interview

He's spent five decades providing spiritual guidance to a worldwide audience through his 30-plus books. Best known for his paraphrase of the…

My 11th Commandment

We all know the 10 Commandments. Well, this week the producers of BBC Radio 2's  Pause for Thought  segment asked contributor…

046 Your Pain Can Get You Inside this Secret Tribe

When you gather the courage to share your pain with others, the result can be unexpected community

043 How God Redeems Broken Dreams

Dreams. We all have them. As a teenager they keep us awake with excitement. As a 20-something they start shaping our decisions. By our 40s w…

Time to Rethink Our Attitude to Singleness

More and more of us are single. In the United Kingdom, over a third of the adult population of England and Wales are single, more than half …

What My Great Grandmother Taught Me About Living Dangerously

My Great Grandmother Alice was one brave woman who can teach us a thing or two about facing our problems. Her husband Walter was a good man,…

049 The Richard Foster Interview

Richard Foster is one of the most significant spiritual writers of our day. The author of bestselling books like 'Celebration of Discipline'…

063 The Day I Interviewed Megachurch Pastor Joel Osteen

Fans adore Joel Osteen’s positive-thinking sermons. Critics say he’s more self-help guru than gospel preacher. When I sat down with Joel at …

What Autumn Tells Us About Life and Work

Autumn is a time of beauty, of harvesting and of shedding the old. I think it has something powerful to tell us about our careers and callin…

You're Both So Different? That Could Be What Makes Your Marriage Work

After 21 years, I sometimes look at my wife Merryn and wonder how our marriage works. I’m a writer and speaker, Merryn is a statistician. I …

God Has a Dream for the World. And There's a Place for You in it

God has a dream for the world. We don’t know exactly what this dream will look like, but we've been given a glimpse: a world of healed wound…

004 One Hilarious Chat with Adrian Plass

My first interview with British writer, speaker and poet Adrian Plass.

Burnout Begins With Weariness. Here's How to Stop it Going Further

There is a cost to giving. At it's worst that cost is burnout—the emotional (and often physical) collapse of someone who has spent too long …

The John Smith Interview

John Smith, legendary Australian minister, commentator, activist and founder of the God’s Squad Motorcycle Club has died after a long battle…

Good News For Behind-The-Scenes People: Your Work is Indispensable

My friend Mick works on the Africa Mercy - a floating hospital ship, helping the poorest people in developing nations. When TV crews visit, …

042 The Tony Campolo Interview

In this podcast you'll hear a 2006 conversation with  speaker, sociologist, Baptist minister and prolific author Tony Campolo …

016 Mother to 6000 Children: Irene Gleeson

In 1991 Irene Gleeson sold her home, flew to Uganda, towed a caravan to the war zone of Kitgum and began to teach war-traumatised children u…

007 The Phil Vischer Interview

A conversation with VeggieTales creator Phil Vischer on losing everything but discovering through the process what you can never lose.

060 Reading the Bible with Your Heart and Mind

It's one thing to read the Bible with our eyes and our mind—and another thing to truly engage our heart. But if the Bible is one of God's ma…

055 What Turn the Other Cheek Means and Doesnt in an Age of Terrorism

Friday's horrific attacks in Paris, claimed by ISIS, have left us shocked, saddened, grieving for the 150 families who've lost loved ones, t…

026 Four Ways to Have a Resurrection Year

If you need to start again after a divorce, infertility, a career disappointment or other broken dream, a Resurrection Year might help

003 The Nick Vujicic Interview

Episode 3 of the More Than This podcast, with guest Nick Vujicic.

036 The Problem with Kitsch Jesus

A Jesus with straight teeth and blue eyes who cuddles his lambs while blowing kisses to sinners isn't much use to the world. Here's why

What Was That First Christmas Like? This Might Give Us a Clue

I was struck with wonder recently on a cold, rainy night in London, when I came across a dozen angels—made of thousands of pulsing lights, h…

The Resilient Audiobook Is Out! Here's A Week's FREE Downloads

How can you stay strong when the storms of life hit? To find out, plug in your headphones, and start a 90-day AUDIO journey with me through …

How Can We Stay Civil in the Age of Outrage? Here are Three Ideas

Political antagonism is growing across the globe. Some have called this culturally polarised time the ‘age of outrage’. In taking a stand fo…