Diogenes Laertius
Vidas, opiniones y sentencias de los filósofos más ilustres. Libro VI, Los cíni…

Read by Epachuko
Diógenes Laercio dedicó el libro VI de su extensa obra a los 9 miembros de la escuela de pensamiento cínica, tambi&eacu…
The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers, Book VI

Read by bala
There are 10 divisions in this title. This project is a recording of book 6. There is a number of interesting anecdotes on the lives of Anti…
Coffee Break Collection 025 - Water

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
This is the twenty-fifth Coffee Break Collection, in which Librivox readers select English language public domain works of about 15 minutes …
Lives of Eminent Philosophers, Volume 1

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Diogenes Laertius' Lives of Eminent Philosophers provides a wealth information about the lives and teachings of ancient Greek thinkers. Desp…
Lives of Eminent Philosophers, Volume 2

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Diogenes Laertius' Lives of Eminent Philosophers provides a wealth information about the lives and teachings of ancient Greek thinkers. Desp…