Search Results

Saint Athanasius: The Father of Orthodoxy

Read by pattymarie

Frances Alice Forbes

A short and rather old fashioned biography a great saint. Don't expect subtlety; it's unapologetic hagiography. The saint is presented as a …

The Greatest Thing in the World and Other Addresses

Read by pattymarie

Henry Drummond

The spiritual classic The Greatest Thing In the World is a trenchant and tender analysis of Christian love as set forth in the thirteenth ch…

Psalm 86

In Psalms of David

Read by pattymarie

Isaac Watts

Isaac Watts was a poet, hymn-writer and musician. He wrote many of what we regard as "classical hymns" such as "Joy to the Wo…

Testify to the Blessing

In Heart Talks on Holiness

Read by pattymarie

Samuel Logan Brengle

Samuel Logan Brengle was a commissioner in the Salvation Army. His books are known for the practicality, joyfulness and authenticity. His li…

Version 13

In The Potato's Dance

Read by pattymarie

Vachel Lindsay

LibriVox volunteers bring you 16 recordings of The Potato's Dance by Vachel Lindsay. This was the weekly poetry project for March 22nd, 2009…

The Penalty of Love by Sidney Royse Lysaght

In The Book of Irish Poetry, part I

Read by pattymarie

Varioustranslated Byalfred Perceval Graves

Edited and largely translated into English by Alfred Perceval Graves, this book contains a remarkably large collection of Irish poetry. This…

The Rationale of Ratiocination

In The Technique of the Mystery Story

Read by pattymarie

Carolyn Wells

For one, I have never been one of those who apologize for my frank and never-ending delight in mystery stories. Their mazes have led me unwe…

19 - The Cat on the Dovrefell

In Popular Tales from the Norse

Read by pattymarie

George Dasent and Sir George Webbe Dasent

The most careless reader can hardly fail to see that many of the Tales in this volume have the same groundwork as those with which he has be…

Chapter 26

In The Story of John Wesley Told to Boys and Girls

Read by pattymarie

Marianne Kirlew

Marianne Kirlew tells the story of John Wesley, English revivalist and founder of Methodism, in short chapters in simple language and an eng…

The Heart of Jesus

In Helps to Holiness

Read by pattymarie

Samuel Logan Brengle

Samuel Logan Brengle was a commissioner in the Salvation Army. His books are known for the practicality, joyfulness and authenticity. His li…

Days Too Short - Read by PL

In Days Too Short

Read by pattymarie

LibriVox Weekly Poetry and William Henry Davies

LibriVox volunteers bring you 17 recordings of Days Too Short by William H. Davies. This was the Weekly Poetry project for April 3, 2011.

Perfect Work

In Gleams of Sunshine

Read by pattymarie

Joseph Horatio Chant

This is a volume of religious, and as the subtitle of the book says, 'optimistic' poems by J.H. Chant, a Canadian minister of the United Chu…