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Der Buchweizen

In Sammlung kurzer deutscher Prosa 005

Read by Robert Steiner

Hans Christian Andersen

Diese Sammlung umfasst verschiedene deutschsprachige Texte aller Genres, Fiktion, Non-Fiktion und Lyrik.Eine Liste weiterer kurzer Aufnahmen…

All for Love

In Short Poetry Collection 068

Read by Robert Hespe

Lord Byron and George Gordon, Lord Byron

LibriVox's Short Poetry Collection 068: a collection of 20 public-domain poems, chosen and read by Librivox volunteers.

There Be None of Beauty’s Daughters

In Short Poetry Collection 069

Read by Robert Hespe

Lord Byron and George Gordon, Lord Byron

LibriVox's Short Poetry Collection 069: a collection of 20 public-domain poems, chosen and read by Librivox volunteers.


In Reise durch England und Schottland

Read by Robert Steiner

Johanna Schopenhauer

1819 gerät das Handelshaus, bei dem Johanna Schopenhauer ihr ganzes Geld angelegt hat, in Zahlungsschwierigkeiten. Beim anschließ…


In History of the United States, Vol. IV: The West and Jacksonian Democracy

Read by Robert Beach

Charles and Mary Beard and Charles Austin Beard

Charles Beard was the most influential American historian of the early 20th century. He published hundreds of monographs, textbooks and inte…

Version 23

In Bill of Rights

Read by Robert Scott

James Madison, United States Government and Unit

The Bill of Rights are the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, and were ratified on December 15, 1791.

15 - Athos as a Diplomatist.

In Twenty Years After

Read by Robert Flach

Alexandre Dumas

Let's continue the D'Artagnan Romances that we've already started with The Three Musketeers.

L'Apprenti Sorcier

In Spirits in Bondage

Read by Robert Garrison

C.S. Lewis and C. S. Lewis

Spirits in Bondage is C.S. Lewis’s first book and the first of his works to be available in the public domain. It was released in 1919 unde…


In Poetics

Read by Robert Foster

Aristotle, translated by Ingram Bywater and Aristotle

Aristotle’s Poetics from the 4th century B.C. aims to give a short study of storytelling. It discusses things like unity of plot, reversal o…

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