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"Captain" Grace Dares to Do

In Grace Harlowe with the Yankee Shock Boys at St. Quentin

Read by ashleighjane

Jessie Graham Flower and Josephine Chase

Grace Harlowe with the Yankee Shock Boys at St. Quentin finds Grace an active participant in that most brilliant single achievement of the w…

Comfort in the Night - Read by AJ

In Comfort in the Night

Read by ashleighjane

Jean Ingelow

Jean Ingelow was an English poet and novelist. - Summary by Wikipedia

I Am The World - Read by AJ

In I Am The World

Read by ashleighjane

Dora Sigerson Shorter

Dora Maria Sigerson Shorter was an Irish poet and sculptor, who after her marriage in 1895 wrote under the name Dora Sigerson Shorter. She …

Lights - Read by AJ

In Lights

Read by ashleighjane

Sara Teasdale

Sara Teasdale was an American lyric poet. Teasdale's first poem was published in Reedy's Mirror, a local newspaper in St. Louis, in 1907. He…

Count Rumford's Substitute for Tea and Coffee

In The Chemistry of Cookery

Read by ashleighjane

W. Mattieu Williams

This book, written in the late 1800s, is a book of chemistry that explains the whys and hows of cooking to trained chefs and laymen alike. T…

A Crash and a Spill

In Grace Harlowe with the Marines at Chateau Thierry

Read by ashleighjane

Jessie Graham Flower and Josephine Chase

Grace continues her war adventures over seas in France, continuing her work for the Red Cross. Set during World War I, Loyal Heart finds her…

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