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Chapter 11

In Botchan

Read by Availle

Sōseki Natsume

Botchan is the story of a young math teacher from Tokyo whose first assignment takes him to a middle school in the country side. His arrival…

A Prefatorial Dialogue, A New View of Gravitation

In Easy Lessons in Einstein

Read by Availle

Edwin E. Slosson

Published in 1920, Slosson’s Easy Lessons in Einstein is one of the first popularizations of Einstein’s theory of relativity. This book is m…

Der Christabend einer Leichtfertigen

In Adventskalender 2010

Read by Availle

Ludwig Anzengruber

Diese Sammlung ist ein Adventskalender und enthält ein Türchen für jeden Tag vom 1. bis zum 24. Dezember.

The Significance of Suicide

In American Psychology, 1900-1922

Read by Availle

James Gibson Hume

This is the first of what is intended to be three projects featuring journal articles which chart the development of psychology as an academ…

Divorce, Section 2

In Marriage, as it was, as it is and as it should be

Read by Availle

Annie Besant

In this short pamphlet, Annie Besant - a well-known British women's rights activist - lays down British marriage laws as they were at her ti…

Chinese Women's Feet

In Short Nonfiction Collection Vol. 023

Read by Availle

Scientific American Vol 43 No 25 and Scientific American

A collection of short nonfiction works in the public domain. The selections included in this collection were independently chosen by the rea…

Remedy for Cold Feet in City Cars

In Coffee Break Collection 007 - Travel

Read by Availle

Scientific American Vol 17, No 26 and Scientific American

This is the seventh collection of our "coffee break" series, involving public domain works that are between 3 and 15 minutes in le…

Chapter 02, The Virtues of Architecture

In The Stones of Venice, Volume 1

Read by Availle

John Ruskin

The Stones of Venice is a three-volume treatise on Venetian art and architecture by English art historian John Ruskin, first published from …

Titlepage and Advertisements

In Opticks

Read by Availle

Isaac Newton

The famous physicist Sir Isaac Newton lectured on optics from 1670 - 1672. He worked on refraction of light into colored beams using prisms …

Segen der Arbeit

In Die Frauen und ihr Beruf

Read by Availle

Luise Büchner

Luise Büchner war eine deutsche Schriftstellerin und Frauenrechtlerin. In ihrem Buch "Die Frauen und ihr Beruf", erstmals ers…

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