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Carriston Towers

In The Visits of Elizabeth

Read by Marta A

Elinor Glyn

Elizabeth is a young and naive debutante who is travelling around England and France fom one house party to the next, visiting friends and f…


In 1000 Things Worth Knowing

Read by Marta A

Nathaniel C. Fowler, Jr.

Part almanac, part encyclopedia, part dictionary, Nathaniel C. Fowler, Jr. gives us his idea of important, but sometimes obscure, facts that…


In The Golden Slipper, and Other Problems for Violet Strange

Read by Marta A

Anna Katharine Green

Miss Violet Strange is young, petite and attractive and has a wealthy father. She also has the knack for solving problems. This collection c…

The Sea Unicorn!

In Captain Salt in Oz

Read by Marta A

Ruth Plumly Thompson

A voyage on the famous Nonestic Ocean! What could be more thrilling than that? We—many of us—have taken trips on the prosaic Atlantic or eve…

The Maid of Zaragoza

In Deeds of Daring done by Girls

Read by Marta A

Hannah Hudson Moore

Do not think, dear girls, that because you are girls you may not have as much courage as your brothers. I believe that quite as stout hearts…

The Field of Feathers

In The Silver Princess in Oz

Read by Marta A

Ruth Plumly Thompson

Young King Randy of Regalia is visited by his old friend, Kabumpo, the Elegant Elephant of Pumperdink. Together, they set out to visit their…

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