2023 1st first quarter (January February March) topic: "Managing for the Master - Till He Comes" (Ken Hart's Sabbath School class …
Pastor Jeff kicks off a new series titled "Keep Calm and Pray On". Pastor Jeff compares and contrast our prayers lives vs. the pra…
In this message, Pastor Jeff shows us what God's purpose is for the spiritual gifts.
This message is a thorough Bible Study of the five different types of leaders mentioned in Ephesians 4. See what the New Testament has to sa…
In this message, we are encouraged to think of our feelings as gifts from God designed to move us toward His will for our lives.
In this Mother's Day message we consider the kind of feminism that God Himself holds.
In this message, we are reminded that Our Heavenly Dad always goes out of his way to show us his love.
Brian and Joel teach from the Freedom Manual. Brian breaks down the importance of getting free through forgiveness. He emphasizes why we hav…
Peace in Islam, June 18, 2011
Positive Thinking, Positive Result, April 26, 2015.mp3
\المناظرة بين الدكتور#منقذ_السقار و#الأخ_رشيد (هل بشر الكتاب المقدس بمحمد ......؟) #مناظرة_البشارات_med.mp4" \بين فن الاقتباس وال…
mp3--do3aa----traweeh----khatm---quran---and--laylat--alqadr---1435---2014--ramadan----all---qoraa صوتي موسوعة الادعية الخاشعة اكثر من 100 د…
John Smith, legendary Australian minister, commentator, activist and founder of the God’s Squad Motorcycle Club has died after a long battle…
Mensen, samenlevingen en de omstandigheden op aarde veranderen in hoog tempo. We leven in een tijd van versnellingen en transities. Die bied…