Nautical & Marine Fiction

The Ships that Won't Go Down

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Henry Lawson

Henry Lawson was an Australian writer and poet. Along with his contemporary Banjo Paterson, Lawson is among the best-known Australian poets …

The Merry Anne

Read by Betsie Bush

Samuel Merwin and Samuel Merwin, Sr.

This 1904 maritime adventure is set in the Great Lakes region, upon water and in wood. Our hero is caught in a smuggling scheme and may lose…

Biltmore Oswald

Read by Nigel Boydell

J. Thorne Smith, Jr.

The hilarious diary of a young man's recruitment into, and service in a navy, which, though well equipped and disciplined, remains woefully …

Mardi Vol. 1

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Herman Melville

"Not long ago, having published two narratives of voyages in the Pacific, which, in many quarters, were received with incredulity, the …

The Beach of Dreams

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

H. De Vere Stacpoole

Two sailors, Harbutt and Raft, discuss their plight as workers under the thumb of a wealthy owner. During a windstorm, Raft and his fellow h…

Toilers of the Sea (Version 2)

Read by John Greenman

Victor Hugo

The book is dedicated to the island of Guernsey, where Victor Hugo spent 15 years in exile. Hugo uses the setting of a small island communit…

The Island of Appledore

Read by Roger Melin

Cornelia Meigs

Any one who knows the coast of New England will know also the Island of Appledore and just where it lies. Such a person can tell you that it…

Wappin' Wharf: A Frightful Comedy of Pirates

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Charles S. Brooks

We had hoped that our drama's scene might lie on a pirate ship at sea. We had wished for a swaying mast, full-set with canvas—a typhoon to s…

Cutlass and Cudgel

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

George Manville Fenn

Based around the crew of cutter HMS White Hawk, this is a tale of smuggling in the early 19th century off the coast of Wessex. The midshipma…

A Burnt Ship

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

John Donne

LibriVox volunteers bring you 14 recordings of A Burnt Ship by John Donne. This was the Weekly Poetry project for September 17th, 2010.

The Last of the Vikings

Read by Kathrine Engan

Johan Bojer

In a small village on the coast of Northern Norway lives the Myran family. Father is a fisher man and is, in the eyes of the oldest son, lik…

The Wreck of the Corsaire

Read by Steven Seitel

William Clark Russell

This book was published in 1897. When cabin passenger Mr. Catesby climbs into the rigging of the Ruby in search of cooler air, he is struck …

The Three Lieutenants

Read by Jim Locke

William Henry Giles Kingston

A few years have passed since the adventures of Terence, Jack, and Alick as midshipmen in the British Navy. They have each gone on their pat…

The Phantom Death and Other Stories

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

William Clark Russell

This is a book of remarkable nautical ghost and horror stories written by William Clark Russell in 1893. The stories are for the most part s…

Ιστορίαι (Histories) Βιβλίοv 3 (Book 3)

Read by olorou


Η Ιστορία του Θουκυδίδη εξιστορεί τα πρώτα 20 χρόνια του πολέμου μεταξύ της Αθήνας και της Σπάρτης, που κράτησε από το 431 μέχρι το 404 π.Χ.…

In Search of Mademoiselle

Read by Tony Oliva

George Gibbs

Preface note by George Gibbs: There were no more vivid episodes in the colonization of the New World than those resulting from the attempts…

Ballad of the Tempest

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

James Thomas Fields

LibriVox volunteers bring you 18 recordings of Ballad of the Tempest by James T. Fields. This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for July 4t…

Typhoon (version 2)

Read by Anthony Ogus

Joseph Conrad

A seafaring novella in which those manning ships are pitted against the forces of nature. A typical Conrad exploration of human beings under…

The Frozen Pirate (version 2)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

William Clark Russell

Drawing on his own experience as a merchant seaman, Russell gives us the fictionalized narrative of one Paul Rodney who found an icebound v…

The Last Buccaneer

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Thomas Babington Macaulay

LibriVox volunteers bring you 8 recordings of The Last Buccaneer by Thomas Babbington Macaulay. This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for …

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