
The Voices of the Rivers

Read by Newgatenovelist

Nina Ruth Davis Salaman

Nina Salaman was a noted scholar, translator and columnist. As well as translating medieval Hebrew poetry, she was a poet in her own right. …

The Garden of Kama

Read by Newgatenovelist

Laurence Hope

Laurence Hope was the nom de plume of Adela Florence Nicolson, a British poet who wrote verses inspired by India, where she lived. This coll…

Orphic Hymns / ΟΡΦΕΩΣ ΥΜΝΟΙ

Read by Ἑλένη Κεμικτσή


Οἱ Ὀρφικοὶ Ὕμνοι ἐντάσσονται στὰ πλαίσια τῶν ἐργασιῶν πού ξεκίνησα ἐδῶ καὶ μερικὰ χρόνια στὴν ἰστοσελίδα μου Projet Homere (Σχέδιο Ὁμήρου (γ…


Read by lorda

Paul Zech

Diese Gedichte gehören zur frühen Lyrik von Paul Zech. Das Hauptthema ist ganz traditionell die Natur. Die Gedichte sind noch frei…

Gesammelte Gedichte

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Else Lasker-Schüler

Elisabeth „Else“ Lasker-Schüler (geb. in Elberfeld (Wuppertal), gest. 1945 in Jerusalem) war eine deutsche Künstlerin jüdisc…

Der Feurige Busch

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Paul Zech

In dem Lyrikband "Der Feurige Busch" setzt sich Zech mit der Welt der Industriearbeiter auseinander. Er beschreibt die Arbeitswelt…

Der Aufbruch

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Ernst Stadler

Ernst Stadler ( geb.11.8.1883 Colmar, gest. 30.10.1914 Zandvoorde bei Ypern) war ein Elsässischer Lyriker, Essayist, Übersetzer, …

Gedichte - Neue Sammlung

Read by seito

Robert Eduard Prutz

Robert Eduard Prutz, geb. 30. Mai 1816 in Stettin; gest. 21. Juni 1872 in Stettin, war ein politisch engagierter Schriftsteller, Journalist …

Mediaeval Hymns and Sequences

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

John Mason Neale

This book is a collection of English translations of medieval Latin hymns. It contains interesting historical and/or liguistic facts about e…

Wir sind - Neue Gedichte

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Franz Werfel

"Nun ich die Korrekturen dieses Buches vor mir habe, faßt mich der furchtbare Schrecken, das in Ordnung und Folge zu sehn, was al…

English Stornelli

Read by Newgatenovelist

Augusta Webster

In this sequence Augusta Webster experimented with eight-line verses grouped thematically by the seasons of the year. These poems also explo…

The Black Panther

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

John Hall Wheelock

John Hall Wheelock is an American poet who during his student years at Harvard University was editor-in-chief of The Harvard Monthly, and be…

The Wind Among the Reeds (Version 2)

Read by Newgatenovelist

William Butler Yeats

The Wind Among the Reeds was first published in 1899 and features short, personal lyrics on subjects such as Irish legends and personal rela…

On a Grey Thread

Read by Newgatenovelist

Elsa Gidlow

On a Grey Thread was first published in 1923, one of the first books of openly lesbian love poetry to be published in the United States. Her…

Some Verses

Read by Newgatenovelist

Theodore Wratislaw

Theodore Wratislaw was a fin de siècle poet and a less famous Decadent author than some of his contemporaries.This short collection o…

Selected Poems

Read by Newgatenovelist

Elizabeth Siddal

Elizabeth Siddal was a British poet, artist and model. Her poems were not published in a single volume in her lifetime; this collection brin…

Love Songs (Version 2)

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Sara Teasdale

With classical, lyrical tones, and frequently feminist-influenced themes, Sara Teasdale’s Love Songs established her as one of the leading w…

Der Weltfreund

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Franz Werfel

»Mein einziger Wunsch ist, dir, o Mensch, verwandt zu sein!« (aus dem Gedicht "An den Leser")Dieses könnte als Mo…


Read by Newgatenovelist

Theodore Wratislaw

Theodore Wratislaw was a fin de siècle poet and a less famous Decadent author than some of his contemporaries.This short collection o…

Four Hymns

Read by Thomas A. Copeland

Edmund Spenser

Spenser explains in the dedication of this volume that the hymns to love and to beauty were written early in his career and their "heav…

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