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LibriVox Audio Books
Samson Agonistes
Read by Martin Geeson
John Milton
“The Sun to me is darkAnd silent as the Moon,When she deserts the nightHid in her vacant interlunar cave.”Milton composes his last extended …
Culture and Anarchy
Read by Nicole Lee
Matthew Arnold
Culture and Anarchy is a series of periodical essays by Matthew Arnold, first published in Cornhill Magazine 1867-68 and collected as a book…
Trips to the Moon
Read by Ralph Snelson
Lucian Of Samosata
The endeavour of small Greek historians to add interest to their work by magnifying the exploits of their countrymen, and piling wonder upon…
Römische Geschichte Buch 5
Read by redaer
Theodor Mommsen
Mommsen erhielt für die Römische Geschichte 1902 den Nobelpreis für Literatur.Römische Geschichte Fünftes BuchDie B…
The Spanish Tragedy
Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Thomas Kyd
The Spanish Tragedy, or Hieronimo is Mad Again is an Elizabethan tragedy written by Thomas Kyd between 1582 and 1592. Highly popular and inf…
La Comédie Humaine: 07 - Scènes de la vie de province tome 3 (8-9-44)
Read by Bernard
Honoré de Balzac
Ce n'était pas une petite tâche que de peindre les deux ou trois mille figures saillantes d'une époque, car telle est, e…
Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge
Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Rainer Maria Rilke
Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge ist ein 1910 veröffentlichter Roman in Tagebuchform von Rainer Maria Rilke - sein einziger …
The Wit and Humor of America, Vol 06
Read by LibriVox Volunteers
The Wit and Humor of America is a 10 volume series. In this, the sixth volume, 55 short stories and poems have been gathered from 42 authors…
Gevoel en Verstand
Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Jane Austen
Nederlandse vertaling (uit 1922) van "Sense and Sensibility" door Gonne Loman-van Uildriks (1863-1921). Dit is Jane Austen's eers…
Read by redaer
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing war der wichtigste deutsche Dichter der deutschen Aufklärung. Fabeln und Erzählungen, veröffentlich…
Read by Екатерина Краснобаева, Денис Коночкин, Илья Рыбаков
А.П. Чехов
Чехов Антон Павлович
Рассказы Антон Павлович Чехов (1860 — 1904) — Великий русский писатель, драматург и врач. Общепризннаный классик мировой литературы. Художн…
Neighbors - Life Stories of the Other Half
Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Jacob A. Riis
These stories have come to me from many sources—some from my own experience, others from settlement workers, still others from the records o…
The Magic Skin
Read by James E. Carson
Honoré de Balzac
Something along the lines of Dorian Gray as part of the Comedies Humane Philosophique, this is Balzac's first successful novel. He even wrot…
The Figure in the Carpet
Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
Henry James
The story ostensibly concerns a young literary critics who greatly admires the writer Hugh Vereker. A meeting with Vereker, however, shows h…
Pélerinage d'un nommé Chrétien, Le : écrit sous l'allégorie d'un songe
Read by Ezwa
John Bunyan
« Le pélerinage d'un nommé Chrétien » est un roman allégorique de John Bunyan, publié en 1678…
Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Arnold Bennett
This first of a trilogy of novels is a coming-of-age story set in the Midlands of Victorian England, following Edwin Clayhanger as he leaves…
Reineke Fuchs
Read by redaer
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Reineke Fuchs ist ein Epos in zwölf Gesängen. Goethe gab dem Werk stark spöttische, mitunter boshafte Züge; sein Epos ka…
Read by Michael Thomas Robinson
Guy de Maupassant
The first significant published short story of French author Guy de Maupassant, and generally acknowledged as his greatest work, "Ball-…
Read by James E. Carson
Joseph Conrad
Apparently a two part story about a Damsel and a Knight, perhaps a damsel who depends upon the kindness of strangers. It was originally enti…
Stories from Virgil
Read by Bill Boerst
Alfred John Church
Alfred J. Church created 26 stories from the original Greek version of Virgil's Aeneid. He included well-known ones, such as "The Horse…