Marion Fay
Gelesen von Arnold
Anthony Trollope

Marion Fay (1882) offers a pair of romances, each involving a match between one titled personage and one commoner. The misalliances lead to the typical strains between parental desires and romantic wishes of the young. The novel’s primary characters have such noble dispositions that Trollope was impelled to create several far more interesting minor characters who either threaten mayhem or provide amusing diversions. (summary by Arnold Banner) (24 hr 6 min)
Not my favourite Trollpe

I'm afraid that by the middle of it I was sick and tired of Marion and the analyses of rank, position, nobility, what's due and not due really tried my patience. For all its faults I'm glad that I don't live in a society that categorises people so severely (mind you it does seem to be slipping back). Apart from the "hero" who thought he ought to have his way because he was a man (not, of course, because he was an aristocrat but because of his claims to be a Radical) the "can'ts" and "'shouldn'ts" far outweighed the "can do thats". Fanny and George - and Sak, I suppose - had their heads screwed on all right, thank goodness, but the rest of them seemed to be a bit addled Arnold, as usual, did a wonderful job reading it (ploughing through it?). Any other reader and I don't think I'd have made it.
Highly Enjoyable!

While long this typical Trollope story is wonderful with its in-depth character development. It has lots of humor to offset the very sad parts. Highly recommend.
Corvid Crowman

Not one of Trollope's best thoureader. interesting as yet another extreme valorization of 19th-century feminine self-abnegation with a few uncharacteristic Gothic elements near the end. Good reader.
Marion Fey

Excellent story. The reader did a great job. I really enjoyed it although it made me cry in some chapters.
Good story.

The usual Trollope yarn... Sad, philosophical, long but interesting. Reader was better on this story. Thank you.

Another wonderful tale by Trollope, and another sympathetic reading by Arnold. Thank you.
Nicely read.
Jordana Welch

Typical Trollope classism with so much pointless self-imposed angst.

kam. rather long utube did get to enjoy. well read, thanku