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The Death of Ivan Ilyitch

Gelesen von Laurie Anne Walden

(4,642 Sterne; 466 Bewertungen)

The Death of Ivan Ilyitch is the story of a socially ambitious middle-aged judge who contracts an unexplained and untreatable illness. As Ivan Ilyitch is forced to face the death he fears, he asks himself whether the life he thought was so correct was, in fact, a moral life after all. Written after Tolstoy's religious conversion, the novella is widely considered to be one of his masterpieces. (Summary by Laurie Anne Walden) (2 hr 32 min)


Chapter 01


Read by Laurie Anne Walden

Chapter 02


Read by Laurie Anne Walden

Chapter 03


Read by Laurie Anne Walden

Chapter 04


Read by Laurie Anne Walden

Chapter 05


Read by Laurie Anne Walden

Chapter 06


Read by Laurie Anne Walden

Chapter 07


Read by Laurie Anne Walden

Chapter 08


Read by Laurie Anne Walden

Chapter 09


Read by Laurie Anne Walden

Chapter 10


Read by Laurie Anne Walden

Chapter 11


Read by Laurie Anne Walden

Chapter 12


Read by Laurie Anne Walden


One of my favorites

(5 Sterne)

One can't go wrong with Ivan Ilyitch. I've read this books 5 times already, but to experience it as an audiobook is an entire different experience. It feels like we can share the catharsis with the reader, who does an excellent job, by the way, with her very sober delivery, nailing down every moment of intensity, reflection and despair in her recording. Her paused reading does wonders to the last chapters and you can almost hear the void in between her sentences: a perfect scenario for Ivan Ilyitch's final monologues.

excellent reader

(5 Sterne)

This reader is wonderful. Even, steady cadence, fluent pronunciation, and appropriate use of tone. The book itself is a worthy read. It is shorter and less developed than many other great Russian works, making it easier to follow and finish. It gives you a neatly packaged glimpse of Tolstoy's views on family, society, suffering, death, and God.

A Classic!

(3 Sterne)

The Death of Ivan Ilyitch was an interesting perspective on the panic that comes with a terminal diagnosis. The way Ivan reacts towards the end of his life should make us pause to think how we may react if 0ut in a similar situation.

(5 Sterne)

I loved this reading. I found Ms. Walden's southern American accent to be pleasant and she reads at a nice pace.

Deeper than you think

(5 Sterne)

If you read/listen to more of Lev Tolstoy, especially his writings after his conversion,this is him writing about his own “death”...listen to My confession,this is very similar with the train of thought and the conclusions he comes to, written to show from a more open perspective what it was like for him to “die” and realize that the life he was living was not as it ought to be,and probably also an accurate depiction of what his family and the society he worked in reacted like when he began to die, the way that he probably tried to ignore “It” but “it” always showed up, “It” being the question of Life and Death...which if you listen to works such as My confession eventually led him to see that there was in fact a God and he had not been living as he should...those are my thoughts...I wonder why no one else seems to see it though...

In the end

(5 Sterne)

I laid in the dark as I listened to this book. Waiting for how this book would end. I had a feeling it was all drama and all senseless details until the end. And, such is life. What is right? Death is right, even if you were wrong, or right. Even though I am aware that Tolstoy wrote this book to show people how trivial we can all be, it still feels so nihilistic. Even if we live a deep and meaningful life, in the end it's just the end of life itself. No matter what we are, we all cease to exist. Right or Wrong, we are all resigned to death. All across this world, many will meet Ivan's end, How could it be any different for anyone? Unless you are privileged to die instantaneously.

(5 Sterne)

it's a good read describing the suffering of Ivan illyitch and the mental status of all caring for him . All the characters are shown and judged from the eyes of Ivan . so to me no one is wrong but perfoming their duties well with full honesty .


(5 Sterne)

This story reflects briefly on the obligations surrounding the dead that others may feel and extensively on the main character's slow, unabated death, as well as the agonizing acceptance of impending death for all persons involved. The reading is of reasonably good quality.