Cousin Henry
Gelesen von Jean Bascom
Anthony Trollope

Indefer Jones struggles to name an heir to his estate. Will he choose his favorite niece, Isabel, or a male heir? The story turns on the trouble that arises when Indefer fails to tell anyone his final decision before passing away. ( Summary by Jean Bascom ) (5 hr 47 min)
Sheryl Dalton

Great story. Henry was one of the funniest most human characters içve read in a long time.
Julia Kariuki

Beautiful story & well read too!
did Trollope invent cancel culture?

The reader is the reason for my five stars - she is superb! no phony accepts or bad acting, just illuminating emphasis in all the right places. but the story troubles me. Cousin Henry comes into his inheritance and people, including the rightful heiress, treat him badly, well before he's demonstrated what a weasel he truly is. Alot of judginess here that makes me cringe. Perhaps if Henry had been treated with more kindness he would have sought the better angels of his nature. To me that would have made for a more gratifying, compassionate story. As it is, the story stands out to me as an early example of the extreme judginess, and the constantly-moving goal posts of purity and virtue, so prevalent in our time.

enjoyed the wonderful seems to me that Trollope could be satirizing the situation or advocating for the old English aristocratic system- but, after all, it is very unwise to attribute anything to the author- this is a novel, and it need stand alone for the reader to decide for themselves. The story is a bit boring...
great reader

The reader did an excellent job.
Good Story

Anthony Trollope always entertains.