The Eustace Diamonds
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Anthony Trollope

Lizzie Greystock, a fortune-hunter who ensnares the sickly, dissipated Sir Florian Eustace, is soon left a very wealthy widow and mother. While clever and beautiful, Lizzie has several character flaws; the greatest of these is an almost pathological delight in lying, even when it cannot benefit her. Before he dies, the disillusioned Sir Florian discovers all this, but does not think to change the generous terms of his will.
The diamonds of the book's title are a necklace, a Eustace family heirloom that Sir Florian gave to Lizzie to wear. Lizzie attempts to hold onto them, much to the irritation of the longtime family lawyer, Mr Camperdown. The Eustaces find themselves in an awkward position. On the one hand, the diamonds are a valuable heirloom to which Lizzie may not have a legal claim, but on the other, they do not want to antagonize the mother of the heir to the family estate (Lizzie having only a life interest).
Meanwhile, after a respectable period of mourning, Lizzie searches for another husband, and "the plot thickens". (Summary from Wikipedia)
This is the third of Trollope’s six “Palliser” novels. LibriVox recordings of other novels in the series are available:
1-Can You Forgive Her?
2-Phineas Finn, the Irish Member
3-The Eustace Diamonds
4-Phineas Redux
5-The Prime Minister
6-The Duke’s Children (27 hr 30 min)
interesting, witty and eventful
שמעון עין גל

I like the Palliser series better than the Barchester Chronicles, better crafted, more interesting characters and livelier. A very funny and cynical portrait of 1860's high society. Excellent readers, better than version 2 of the same book . A pity about the blatant anti-Semitism, but that's what the world is like, mustn't let it chaff my hooked nose!
Another good Trollope

This book is a little different from the usual Trollope love stories, but it is still good. Chapter 34 is a gem. Listen to it even if you don't have time for the whole book. It's correct name is "Lady Linlithgow at Home." It is mis-titled in the Librivox listing.
overall good

Even volunteer should learn how to pronounce all names and words before embarking. Lady LinLITHgow. GROVE-ner (not Grows-vee-nor!) Legge ("leg") Wilson, not "leggy" or "ledgy." The "oe" in Madame Max Goesler's name is the umlaut O - it is never "Goosler" or "Gosler" or "Gowsler." And many others.

I was just going to comment after listening to chapter 34 and now I see someone else marked that chapter out for special mention. Sage Tyrtle does a marvelous job of acting out by voice the characters in the chapter. Delightful! Brilliance rising to combine with Trollope’s brilliance.
compelling Story
Kelvin Broad

An epic tale of lies, love and loss. The majority of the readers are very good some using excellent voices for the various characters. A few chapters have quite low volume making for difficult listening.

Some readers are so much better than others. The sound quality for some readers was poor. Please review the readers' work before including in the presentation.
not my favourite by anthony Trollope

The story is somewhat slow at times. Some of the readers are exellent.
Thanks - title error fixed

Thank you for spotting that, Champagnolle. The error has now been fixed.