The Golden Bough. A Study in Magic and Religion. Part 2. Taboo and the Perils o…
Gelesen von Leon Harvey
James Frazer

The third volume of The Golden Bough. The term Taboo is one of the very few words which the English language has borrowed from the speech of savages. This volume examines the underlying moral code of many societies, both primitive and medieval, and with modern analogies. The reader is encouraged to contemplate the contradictions, inconsistencies, and absurdities, not merely between different people of different countries and ages, but also between similar people within the same countries. Frazer presents extensive evidence that the laws of morality slowly, but subtly, are in an ever changing state. - Summary by Leon Harvey (14 hr 17 min)
I - THE BURDEN OF ROYALTY - 1. Royal and Priestly Taboos, Life of divine kings …
Read by Leon Harvey
II - THE PERILS OF THE SOUL - PART 1. 1.The Soul as a Mannikin. Primitive conce…
Read by Leon Harvey
II - THE PERILS OF THE SOUL - Part 2. Abduction of souls by demons and gods, Lo…
Read by Leon Harvey
II - THE PERILS OF THE SOUL - Part 3. 3. The Soul as a Shadow and a Reflection,…
Read by Leon Harvey
III — TABOOED ACTS - 1. Taboos on Intercourse with Strangers, Rules of life obs…
Read by Leon Harvey
IV — TABOOED PERSONS - PART 1. 1. Chiefs and Kings tabooed, Disastrous results …
Read by Leon Harvey
IV — TABOOED PERSONS - PART 2. 5. Manslayers tabooed, Taboos laid on warriors w…
Read by Leon Harvey
IV — TABOOED PERSONS - PART 3. 6. Hunters and Fishers tabooed, Taboos observed …
Read by Leon Harvey
V — TABOOED THINGS. PART 1. 1. The Meaning of Taboo. Taboos of holiness agree w…
Read by Leon Harvey
V — TABOOED THINGS. PART 2. 6. Hair tabooed. Hair of kings, priests, and other …
Read by Leon Harvey
V — TABOOED THINGS. PART 3. 9. Spittle tabooed. Belief that people maybe bewitc…
Read by Leon Harvey
VI — TABOOED WORDS. PART 1. 1. Personal Names tabooed. The personal name regard…
Read by Leon Harvey
VI — TABOOED WORDS. PART 2. 3. Names of the Dead tabooed. Names of the dead not…
Read by Leon Harvey
VI — TABOOED WORDS. PART 3. 4. Names of Kings and other Sacred Persons tabooed.…
Read by Leon Harvey
VI — TABOOED WORDS. PART 4. 6. Common Words tabooed. Common words tabooed by Hi…
Read by Leon Harvey
VII — OUR DEPT TO THE SAVAGE. General conclusion. Human gods obliged to observe…
Read by Leon Harvey