Dramatic Selections from Henry Lawson's Short Stories
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Henry Lawson

01. That Pretty Girl in the Army
The Salvation Army is having a hard time of things in the rough Outback town of Bourke. That is, until Sister Hannah arrives... - Summary by Son of the Exiles
Coordinated by: Son of the Exiles
Sister Hannah: Devorah Allen
Jack Moonlight: Tomas Peter
Billy Woods: Jim Locke
Jake Boreham: Larry Wilson
Reformed Drunkard: Wayne Cooke
Bob Brothers: Algy Pug
Mitchell: Alan Mapstone
Donald Macdonald: Michele Eaton
One-Eyed Bogan: lorda
Female Testifier: Lauren-Emma Blake
Blunderer: Therese Lindholm
Black Testifier: Wayne Cooke
Heckler: ToddHW
Narrator: KHand
02. The Hairy Man
It was the day after Australia's Anniversary Day and all the patriots wanted to do was nurse their hangovers out in the scrub of the isolated western spur of the Blue Mountains. But following close on the heels of their hair-of-the-dog comes The Hairy Man, Australia's own version of Bigfoot. - Summary by Son of the Exiles
Coordinated by: Son of the Exiles
Jack Jones: Alan Mapstone
Andy Page: Larry Wilson
Dave Regan: lorda
Jim Bentley: ToddHW
Mahoney: TJ Burns
Foley: Algy Pug
Narrator: Son of the Exiles
03. Macquarie's Mate
Even "the veriest wreck in the drink-fiend's clutch" won't stand idly by and hear his mate slagged off. - Summary by Son of the Exiles
Coordinated by: Son of the Exiles
Awful Example: Alan Mapstone
Box-o’-Tricks: ToddHW
Barcoo: Algy Pug
“Sally” Thompson: Michele Eaton
Stiffner the Shanty-Keeper: April6090
Macquarie: lorda
Somebody: Andrew Gaunce
Narrator: Son of the Exiles
04. His Country After All
"Lives there a man with soul so dead..." - Summary taken from text
Coordinated by: Son of the Exiles
Australian-born American: Wayne Cooke
New Zealand bagman: Jim Locke
Coach Driver: ToddHW
Posh-sounding British voice: Alan Mapstone
Australian rabbit-trapper: Algy Pug
Narrator: KHand
(1 hr 32 min)
Classic Australiana
Sean O'Shannessy

Henry Lawson wrote with humour, insight & compassion about the lives and attitudes of colonial working white Australians. He captures the unvarnished voices and preoccupations of fringe dwelling, alcohol soaked men and women and their lives of danger and despair and manages to make us laugh at and with them.