Seven Wives and Seven Prisons; Or, Experiences in the Life of a Matrimonial Mon…
Gelesen von Nathalie J.
L. A. Abbott

This work the author claims is indeed a true story of how he happened to be married seven times to seven different women and the rollicking, hilarious events that led (or stumbled) to the marriages and the ah--disassembling/failing/failures of each said marriage which happened oftentimes to land him in prison. The summarist finds the work a very tongue-in-cheek diatribe/lament/account of his obsessive zeal in 'marrying the right one', but is also the mirthful chronicle of said author's very unconventional adventures. (Summary by Kehinde) (3 hr 53 min)
Will he ever learn?

As the author explains later on, most of his matrimonial follies occurred because of alcohol. I'll leave it to the listener to determine whether or not he finally learned his lesson! I was expecting more varied and entertaining reasons for ending up in prison, but it was always the same reason: bigamy. But the circumstances of each arrest and imprisonment were varied and entertaining in themselves. The reader was good, but some of the pronunciations of (what I thought were) straightforward words were frustrating, and the rendering of some sentences left the meaning less clear. It's a recording from 2007, so the sound quality is mediocre (cars and sirens in the background, etc.). Content of work itself: 4 stars. Recording quality: 2 stars.
Both comical & sad
Dangerous Journeymann

The LibriVox volunteer has a wonderful voice, mispronounced words left me less irritated than usual, and I found myself more irritated with the Author for being so stupid & continuing to marry all these women. The punishment however, never fit the crimes. Certainly worth a listen.
Seven Wives and Seven Prisons;...
David R. Smith

Fun suite of fact based stories ... very enjoyable listen. Read well, many thanks for the dedication and effort to bring this alive!

this is truly adorable...what a gem and what a delightful reader