Old Indian Legends
Gelesen von Robert Scott

Fourteen Old Indian Legends by Native American (Dakota) Author Zitkala-sa. These Legends feature the exploits of Iktomi the Native American Trickster god.
(summary by Robert Scott) (2 hr 50 min)
I grew up with these stories
Komaki. "Always Looking".

This has always been our truths. As young people, We learned to be good people. Unfortunately, my children have no interest. I'm glad to see the positive ratings.
very enjoyable

the stories give me an idea of American Indian culture. The stories are well read
Sandra Bailey

I can not wait until my baby is old enough to listen to these stories.
story girl

Legends are great if you don't like legends you must be crazy.
Great stories, good storyteller

Lovely stories told bya competent reader. My husband and I use books to fall asleep and this worked great... although the stories were interesting and enjoyable enough to keep each of us awake at times, luckily they were brief, so it didn't interfere with our sleep schedule. The reader's voice was just soothing enough to help us pleasantly drift away.