Beautiful Soup
Gelesen von LibriVox Volunteers
Lewis Carroll

LibriVox volunteers bring you 18 different recordings of Beautiful Soup by Lewis Carroll. This was the weekly poetry project for the week of April 1st, 2007. (0 hr 23 min)

Great collection of readings here - perfect for sharing with a classroom. Readings range from the elegant to the whimsical, and even include an acoustic version. Pure fun.
love this poem

always gets me to sleep!!
Mostly dull
Alessandro Serenelli

Most are dull readings of a very great eccentric nonsense poem. Reading 15 or 16 (whichever one had the guitar) is absolutely wonderful and the intro and closeout of reading 1 fits the hilarity perfectly. There are a few good ones, but the majority are either dull or weird in a slightly uncomfortable way.

Okay, but I'm a bit disappointed . My favourites were #10,#11,and #15.
ijooooo2 ii oo hey man. he is the most noutlook Im ok oii
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