The Homely Heroine
Edna Ferber
Read by Phil Chenevert

Who ever heard of a plain and downright homely heroine? Isn't a heroine by definition beautiful? Well, Edna Ferber, in her well known style that later produced Show Boat and Giant, tells us about just such a heroine in the first of these four special short stories. They are special to me because of their insight into the deep courage and faith of 'ordinary' people, people like most of us. And of course our failings and frailties and sometimes, the prince does not marry the right person. The other stories are A Bush League Hero, What she Wore and The Man Who Came Back. (Summary by Phil Chenevert) (1 hr 37 min)
1 - The Homely Heroine | 21:54 | Read by Phil Chenevert |
2 - A Bush League Hero | 24:18 | Read by Phil Chenevert |
3 - What She Wore | 25:31 | Read by Phil Chenevert |
4 - The Man Who Came Back | 26:12 | Read by Phil Chenevert |

I’m Truely thankful for Phil C. We will miss him. This is a great listen as Ferber stories take one to a time very different from the current one. She is able to paint a time that was changing but not as quickly as races past us today. She is able to show individuals with flaws that make their way, and some who do not. The pace changes, but the individuals , well, they still struggle ....
Baroness Oh Baroness; What Great Stories You Right.....

Keith Horvath
She writes bringing the best & not so good in the characters. And treats hero or dunce, men or women, as equals.

a bit of an eye-opener to us who think we have our act together. ;-)
very interesting and different sort of stories

Thanks to PC for reading. I enjoyed them all.

always enjoyment to read this Author. excellent reader. Thankyou
Great start, for a quitter's end

Juan Morris
I had foreys into the world of writing. None published, all longer than this. Had I thought it exceptable, I'd have at least four incomplete published works. Furthermore, I have 3 things to say about this cowardly failure: Quitting just as the reader is growing to like lead is li huh :p Albeit, at least 3 of the shorts could've been merged into one tale with a quasi-heroic heroine, rather than just a heroine as lead character.