Amy Foster
Joseph Conrad
Read by Bellona Times

Classic shortish story by Conrad that relates his self-thought alienation from British society, as a young foreign man survives a shipwreck off the coast of Kent, England only to be shunned by most of the townsfolk. The one exception is the loving, if dull-witted, Miss Foster. (Summary by BellonaTimes) (1 hr 21 min)
01 | 27:01 | Read by Bellona Times |
02 | 26:09 | Read by Bellona Times |
03 | 28:30 | Read by Bellona Times |
not bad

Sam Zwemer
great story of subtle yet brutal tragedy. the reader was somewhat chunky in his delivery, yet he managed to keep me engaged throughout - thank you.

A beautifully narrated short story showing the power of Conrad's prose It would be hard to get a better reader.
a sad account of tragically closed minds

A LibriVox Listener
got used to jerky reading
Too Bad

Big T
soorry,reader spoiled this for me,too erratic in his delivery