The Psalms and Odes of Solomon

Read by Sam Stinson

(4.7 stars; 30 reviews)

One of the Pseudepigrapha, the Psalms of Solomon is a group of eighteen psalms (religious songs or poems) that are not part of any scriptural canon (they are, however, found in copies of the Peshitta). The Psalms of Solomon were referenced in Early Christian writings, but lost to modern scholars until a Greek manuscript was rediscovered in the 17th century. Politically, the Psalms of Solomon are anti-Maccabee, and some psalms in the collection show a clear awareness of the Roman conquest of Jerusalem under Pompey in 63 BCE, metaphorically treating him as a dragon who had been sent by God to punish the Maccabees.

The Odes of Solomon is a collection of 42 odes attributed to Solomon. Various scholars have dated the composition of these religious poems to anywhere in the range of the first three centuries AD. The original language of the Odes is thought to have been either Greek or Syriac, and to be generally Christian in background. (Summary by Wikipedia) (1 hr 46 min)


The Odes are Great

(5 stars)

There are two collections of hymns in this book, the Psalms and the Odes (of Solomon, full title of both.) I am writing this review about the Odes, which were written from a Christian's perspective about the Holy Spirit's work in his life. You really should listen to them, and when they use metaphors that you are not used to, try to understand the spiritual experience they describe. The narrator has a good tone and inflection. Though he can't pronounce Syriac or Sadducee in the introduction, the rest of the pronunciation has been good.