At the Earth's Core
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Read by LibriVox Volunteers

This is the first book in the Pellucidar series. Pellucidar is a fictional Hollow Earth milieu invented by Edgar Rice Burroughs for a series of action adventure stories. The stories initially involve the adventures of mining heir David Innes and his inventor friend Abner Perry after they use an "iron mole" to burrow 500 miles into the earth's crust. (adapted from Wikipedia) (4 hr 38 min)
Prologue | 4:17 | Read by Great Plains |
Toward the Eternal Fires | 20:26 | Read by Great Plains |
A Strange World | 20:36 | Read by Great Plains |
A Change of Masters | 19:00 | Read by Great Plains |
Dian the Beautiful | 23:03 | Read by Great Plains |
Slaves | 16:37 | Read by davechase |
The Beginning of Horror | 12:51 | Read by davechase |
Freedom | 12:46 | Read by Scott Carpenter |
The Mahar Temple | 26:18 | Read by Scott Carpenter |
The Face of Death | 14:53 | Read by Scott Carpenter |
Phutra Again | 21:32 | Read by Scott Carpenter |
Four Dead Mahars | 11:08 | Read by Scott Carpenter |
Pursuit | 8:09 | Read by Scott Carpenter |
The Sly One | 11:45 | Read by Scott Carpenter |
The Garden of Eden | 34:34 | Read by Scott Carpenter |
Back to Earth | 20:32 | Read by Scott Carpenter |
i enjoyed the story and think it would make a very good movie

greg griggs
Fun Book + Great Readers = Win for LibriVox and Listener

I'm always a little hesitant when approaching LibriVox recordings, just because I personally cannot get into a story if the reader and/or the recording quality is below par. And I'm usually leery of multiple readers, since this too can really impinge on my ability to "get lost" in the story. Thankfully, this is ready by only two gentlemen, who have split the novel in half instead of going back and forth. Both readers are great and the sound is perfect. I listened to the whole novel in one sitting while working at my drafting table. And, it's ERB, so it's going to be at least a fun ride...
Fun book, good reader

The book is as engaging as most of the author's work. The audio is clear and consistent as well as the reader. I only noticed a couple mispronunciations that I found more funny than annoying since the words weren't repeated thereafter. A fun whimsical tale about traveling to a prehistoric world within our world. Sure, it's antiquated science but if you can look past that I'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as I did.

John Price
I read the whole Tarzan series when I was in school, this was a very large reason even became aware of E.R. Burrow's as an author. I was somewhat surprised as a adult at just how obviously his writing tells of just how generational prejudice he obviously WAS... Aside from that I have set a goal to listen to the rest of the novels his narrow mind has had published... so if you have read this review please keep in mind we all as individuals have to choose ourselves rather or not (we) will keep growing away from such a narrow minded future for the generation's yet to learn such foolishness... "Love is everything except selfish". ( Love Warrior)
At the Earth's Core

Nostalgia invaded me listening to this story from Edgar Rice Burroughs, which I read in my youth. So, my youthful self took over and concluded it should receive five stars. Of course, even though it is science fiction, the author's style was excellent and deserving of his fame. All the readers were really good, clear and expressive, and provided an enjoyable listening time. Thanks to all of them for their dedication and service. ð
Earths Core... AWESOME

Very nice vocalization. The reader did an exemplary job of creating the atmosphere necessary to portray the story. I read this novel when I was in 6th grade.....I'm 56 now, and this reading gave me nearly the same thrill I had as a youth! Thank you sir....and I will be sorely disappointed if you don't continue to read for LibraVox. Good job!
Very good book

David and Perry manage to drill down into the earth's core where they encounter savages, strange animals, strange rituals, and they also learn that humans are not the dominant species in Pellucidar. An excellent book with a very engrossing story line. Readers were very good. Enjoy!
I liked it.

Martha Schwartz
An engaging adventure story with some intriguing science and a romance thrown in. Burroughs' descriptions are so clear I could visualize the images as he set them out. Overall, a very enjoyable read in an early 20th century kind of way.