The Thunderbolt

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(3.5 stars; 1 reviews)

Called "An episode in the history of a provincial family", where "their faults of manner and breeding are precisely the faults a reasonable, dispassionate person would have no difficulty in excusing." Edward, the wealthy black sheep of the family, has died. But how to divide the money when no will is found?
- Summary by ToddHW

Cast list:
James Mortimore: jonbuder
Ann, his wife: valroth
Stephen Mortimore: Greg Giordano
Louisa, his wife: Claudia Caldi
Thaddeus Mortimore: ToddHW
Phyllis, his wife: Sonia
Joyce, the Thaddeus Mortimores' daughter: ShrimpPhish
Cyril, the Thaddeus Mortimores' son: dc
Colonel Ponting: Craig Franklin
Rose, his wife, nee Mortimore: Belinda Loveday
Helen Thornhill: Agnes Robert Behr
The Rev. George Trist: Beeswaxcandle
Mr. Vallance, solicitor, of Singlehampton: Tomas Peter
Mr. Elkin, solicitor, of Linchpool: Adrian Stephens
Mr. Denyer, a house-agent: Alan Mapstone
Heath, a man-servant: David Purdy
A servant girl at Nelson Villas: Elizabeth Copnall
Stage Directions: Larry Wilson
Editing: ToddHW
(4 hr 9 min)


Act 1 1:07:19 Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Act 2 1:07:07 Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Act 3 1:11:55 Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Act 4 42:46 Read by LibriVox Volunteers