Aldous Huxley Brave New World

(2.7 stars; 40 reviews)

The Shape of Things to Come: Brave New World Mon 26th Aug 1991, 19:45 on BBC Radio 4 FM Brave New World is a dystopian novel by English author Aldous Huxley, written in 1931 and published in 1932. Largely set in a futuristic World State, inhabited by genetically modified citizens and an intelligence-based social hierarchy, the novel anticipates huge scientific advancements in reproductive technology, sleep-learning, psychological manipulation and classical conditioning that are combined to make a dystopian society which is challenged by only a single individual: the story's protagonist. Music Wilfredo Acosta. Dramatised by Stephen Mulrine   Producer Marilyn Imrie The Savage:…..Gary Cady Mustapha Mond:….Jack Klaff Lenina Crowne:…..Moir Leslie Bernard Mara:…..Jonathan Tafler Linda:…..Frances de la Tour Helmholtz Watson:…..Sean Pertwee Director of Hatcheries:….Hugh Dickson Henry Foster:…..Nigel Carrington Fanny Crowne:…..Jane Whittenshaw President of Worship:……Susan Sheridan Benito Hoover:…..Andrew Wincott Headmistress of Eton:……Petra Markham Archsongster of Canterbury:….Timothy Carlton Primo Mellon:…..Mark Straker Nurse:…..Joanna Myers Boy:…….Richard Pearce Spanish guide:…..Walter Acosta

This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.


Brave New World 30:51


Truncated version?

(1 stars)

This is obviously not the complete reading of a 311 page novel. It's a brief excerpt (we don't even know if it's from the actual start?) from a radio play performed at a time unspecified. No explanation is given for the incomplete nature of this recording. Also the CBS American radio version is also incomplete? No other complete versions are offered. Very disappointing as I was looking forward to listening to it. Guess I'll just have to get the book!?

Thanks and a request

(5 stars)

Hi there! Thanks so much for your work in preserving these wonderful radio drama adaptations. I'm wondering if you have a recording of another story from this same 1991 "Shape of Things To Come" series-- namely, Alfred Bester's "Tiger! Tiger!" also known as "The Stars My Destination. After much research, it doesn't seem to be hosted anywhere online. If you have a recording or any leads to share, it would be much appreciated. Thanks!

(2 stars)

The audio quality is not very good. Too much contrast in the volume level. Also, it ends abruptly without finishing the story.

Only Partial Book

(3 stars)

Promising start and quality, but it's not a complete book. cuts off at the end

(1 stars)

Impossible to listen, very bad recording quality

(2.5 stars)

Good reading but very poor audio

(2 stars)

it's good, but where's the rest?

(0.5 stars)

the quality of the audio is terrible.