Star Wars: the Empire Strikes Back Radio Drama
Donald Phillips

Made in 1983 for NPR and staring Mark Hamill
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Many Thanks for posting this

Not Quite Zorro
I am a *huge* fan of radio plays and had no idea there was a radio drama version of the Star Wars saga until recently. A local station that plays OTR once in a while began playing The Empire Strikes Back and, naturally, I missed the first episode. I saw the film version in the theatre when it came out way-back-when, so I had a pretty good idea of what to expect. Even so, the radio version grabbed me from the very first word and never let go. Thank you for being kind enough to post it on IA so I can enjoy the entire story. [tips hat]
faithful but hard to follow

unlike the original (The New Hope) this one was kind of hard to follow because of the fight scenes that were so prevalent in the movie.

Leslie Ephland
Includes great character moments the movies passed over in favor of action sequences. PLUS, voiced by original cast for Luke, C3PO AND Lando!
So much fun!

Marina Memmo
So many of the original cast members & music from the movie makes this audio production an absolute delight!