The Beast-Jewel of Mars
Leigh Douglass Brackett
Read by EVKesserich

Following the suspicious death of his girlfriend, Captain Burk Winters sets off down the dangerous path of a Martian vice called 'Shanga'-- the Going Back. What starts out as an effort to rescue Jill Leeland will pit the former starship captain against the dark underbelly of the canal cities, conspiracies of greed and, above all, the vengeance of a planet that will not bow to economic conquest without a fight. - Summary by EVKesserich (1 hr 46 min)
Section I | 16:51 | Read by EVKesserich |
Section II | 29:57 | Read by EVKesserich |
Section III | 29:10 | Read by EVKesserich |
Section IV | 14:06 | Read by EVKesserich |
Section V | 16:18 | Read by EVKesserich |

The Communistic national Socialist Gay Homophobe
This story is read by a white girl from Ohio. Therein lies the problem. White people should not be allowed to tell the stories of other races. We need to get a real live Martian to read this story about Martians. Remember only Martians can lend an authentic Martian voice to stories about Martians. White people need to stop appropriating Martian culture. Other than that story is great. Narrator did an excellent job. Story would be much better if there were lots of gay orgies. All stories need gay orgies to express authors commitment to 2SLGBTQTIA+ issues. Remember any story that does not have the protagonist having gay sex every tenth page is homophobic