Matt Hale Sermon: A Coming To America / The Folly of Nationalism and Liberalism…

(1.6 stars; 6 reviews) Matt Hale Sermon: A Coming To America / The Folly of Nationalism and Liberalism / Why We Are A Religion And Not A Political Group Hello once again my fellow White racial comrades. Welcome to this, our World Church of The Creator friday evening service. Today August 27th in the 26 year of our beloved pro-white religion, Creativity. Tonight I wish to speak about a coming to America. An invasion from some accounts, or perhaps simply an immigration from others. I want you to picture this scene for me, my comrades. I want you to picture two individuals on the shores of this country facing the Atlantic ocean. Imagine how unreal it must have seen, to see all of a sudden, boats coming towards land. Strange boats, boats one had never seen before. All kinds of different boats, and soon people came out of these boats, they landed on the shore. Strange people, different looking people, different languages, different customs, different ways about them. Imagine two people watching this. One of them says: "We must band together, and fight these invaders that are coming across our shores". The other one said: "Well wait a minute! America, this land, is a big country, a big home. We can welcome everyone! What's wrong with a little diversity here? We have plenty of space, and maybe they mean well too!" The other, the more... let's use the term war-like person, says "Hey, wait a minute! We don't know who these people are. This spells nothing but doom and destruction for our way of life. Let's stop them now. Let's throw them back into the sea!" But the other fellow says: "Hey! We have to live and let live in this world. We have to love one another! And these people, I'm sure, I'm sure are full of the same type of affection and understanding that we are." The latters views prevails. What am I talking about? What time period am I talking about? Yes, that's what I'm talking about. And this evenings talk is meant to compare what happend to the Indians with what is happening to White people in America today. The Indians welcomed the diversity. The Indians said: "Hey, let's have peace and let's break bread with the White Man." And of course, what happend to the Indian? The White Man drove him off this continent. We today, my brothers and my sisters listening to this, we are the new Indians. We are facing precisely the same problem that the Indians faced hundreds of years ago. Would the Indians have been right to use whatever means necessary to drive the White Man from their shores? Yes! And even some liberals would probably say that, unknowingly that then we would follow that by saying "Well, aren't we right to use what means we find necessary to repel the invaders of our land?". My comrades, there's much to be learned about what happend to the Indians in this country. Of course, not for one moment do we sympathize with the Indians. They lost in the struggle for life, they were the weaker. So too, will it be determined one day whether we were strong, or whether we, as a race, proved weak. There's much to be learned with them. Another part, another thing that we must learn and realize, is the folly of nationalism. Nationalism also destroyed the Indians. How so? The Indians were divided into so many tribes, so many nations, various Indian nations, and they fought each other just as much as they fought the White Man. What did they have as a result? Their own destruction. We Creators must always remember this lesson. We cannot afford the luxery, the dubious luxery, of taking up arms against our own White people. It has happend over and over again throughout our history, and we Creators have pledged our lives to ending it. Today, with us, we end the charade of nationalism. The idea that has been so catastrophic to our White people. Indeed, the two forces that have been most catastrophic for our people in a physical way, has been nationalism and Christianity. Both of them have decimated our race. Both of them have caused our numbers to be far fewer than they otherwise would be. I one time asked myself: "Why is it that there are so many orientals?". Because they weren't busy killing each other in religious wars. There were wars but nothing to the extent of Europe. Nothing to the extent of the 30 years war where in Germany half the population was decimated. The 100 years war between France and England. Wars galore did not happen in those countries or with the yellow race. We as White people must unify, indeed, on that basis. There must be no talk about: "Well, he's polish, so heck with him", or he's "italian, no good", "he's russian, he's a slav, no slavs". No. This is falling right into the Jews plan. They love to boost this nationalism. They love for White people to wave the American flag and think not one wit of the other White flags of the world, or the White nations of the world. They love for you and I, you and I, to watch the Olympic game and root for the nigger savage against the White person who is running a race for another country. They want this. They desire this with all their heart, and they are indeed getting their way. Long ago, I asked myself: "Which is more important? That White German, that White Russian, or that nigger American?". Well, as Creators we all know the answer. We all know who to root for. And in the struggle for life, we know who we should root for. The Indians, getting back to them, they let themselves be divided and conquered. The Indian tribes warring with one another, all to the White Man's glee. Of course, we love to see the non-whites destroy one another, but we must learn from the mistakes of the past. Indeed, the fellow who said that "those who don't learn from the past are condemned to repeat it", he also said that "the White Race must keep its blood pure and fight for its existence". You will not hear and learn that in the history books, but he said those words as well. We Creators say no more to nationalism. We Creators - of course - extoll ethnic pride. Be proud if your German, be proud if your Irish, be proud if your English, or Swedish, what have you. Be proud of your ethnicity. But we must circle those wagons. We must say: "Our skin color is our uniform". We need not care what flag is flown as long as you are for your blood, as long as you love your own kind, and are ready to fight for it. We, once again, are in the same basic position as the Indians were 400 years ago, 500 years ago. The liberal Indian said: "Heeey! The White Man just wants to break bread, just wants to be friends! Let's have him at the supper table. This is a big country, we have room for everyone." And of course, we know what the result was. We must never of course, and never will we undoubtedly, give in to the liberal trap, the liberal insanity, of saying that "we're all the same", or that "we have plenty of space". In the struggle for life, no creature, whatever it may be, no matter how intelligent or unintelligent, no creature ever will hold itself back, for the other kinds, and say: "Well, I have enough! You can have some!". Not in Nature, unless that creature, that species, wishes to cease to exist. What are we concerned with, as Creators? We are concerned, indeed, with the survival of our specie's, of our race. Whatever enables us to survive, is ultimately in the scheme of life, in nature, good. Those who finish second place do not get a trophy in Nature. There is no referee saying: "Well, you place there, and you do too, and we will have a nice competition". No. Victory will go to those who FIGHT. Those who will SACRIFICE. Those who will *NOT* COMPROMISE. A few days ago I gave an interview to a magazine, SPIN magazine of all things, in which the fellow asked me "Well, why, why aren't you a political group?". And the answer is very simple. Because politicians compromise! And we as Creators have something far deeper than politics. We have a religion. We have our commandments. We have our Golden Rule: "What is good for the White Race is the highest virtue, what is bad for the White Race is the ultimate sin". You will not see a politician dare utter those words today. He is too busy pandering to the nigger vote. He is too busy pandering to the united non-white races. But show the White Man unity, as Creators as we unify our White Race, you will begin to see a different tune from the politicians. You'll begin to hear them say things like: "Well, I'm concerned about White people in America". You won't hear that though until we have unified as a people. You will not hear that. Just as the example I've used this evening with the Indians, how they were disunited, how they were fragmented into hundreds of tribes, all kinds of groups with different customs and everything else, so too today is our White Race divided. We as Creators have it as our sacred duty to unite our people. Too hark into a movie that reminds me so much also of what we're going through as a people today, the movie Braveheart, when the actor Mel Gibson says, holds his hand out, "Unite the clans! Unite the clans!". That is what we have today. Our push for unity as a people. Our enemies, and those who are befuddled right now, who have not yet found Creativity in their heart and in their mind, they oftentimes will say: "You are being divisive", that we Creators are being divisive. Not so. The divisions are already there. The divisions of race, are here for all to see. The importance of race is here for all to see. We know that without unity of our White Race, we will be destroyed. So, in closing of this sermon this evening. My comrades, let us learn from history. Let us not be the new Indians. Let us not fall into the trap of nationalism. Let us not be divided by disputes over Jewish religions, such as Christianity, and other off-shoots therefrom. Let us hold ourselves out as dedicated White Racial Activists. Not one day must go by in which we do not reaffirm our commitment to Creativity and to our White Race. And if each and every one of us does our duty, we will indeed win this Racial Holy War. RAHOWA!


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Who was here first?!

(4 stars)

This idea that indians(some were actually White people, some actually came from Asia) had never seen White people is a complete fabrication, the archaeological and anthropological evidence shows beyond all doubt that some of the "tribes" were actually White people who had come to these shores thousands of years ago, the balance of the "tribes had come from Asia. However, the archaeological evidence shows unequivocally that the White race has been in the Americas far longer than the asiatic people(indians), we have much evidence showing that White people have been here for at least 6,000 years while we have no evidence showing any other race past 1,500-2,000 years!! So just like slavery neither are White people guilty of supposed made up crimes where 90% of the story isn't told about indians, we didn't steal anything and America wasn't theirs to decide what was ours or what wasn't!! Check out the links below for the truth on the subject, as usual most of the story was left out and the rest was just a lie!! So while I firmly believe that White people are indeed being genocided and deprived of their own lands, deprived of self determination by a government that no longer represents their interests like every other race has, they are being marginalized, dehumanized, dispossessed, disenfranchised, and robbed of their rightful lands and treasure, they have every right to expect a land where their interests are looked for exclusively, a government cannot represent more than one race of people and history has proven this ridiculous multiculturalism a lie thousands of years ago!! Multiculturalism is a evil weapon used as just one part of the genocide of the White race!! China for the Chinese, Africa for the negroid, Saudi Arabia for the ereb, Palestine for the jew(Edomite-Canaanite), etc yet all White countries for everyone?! Democracy is communism by another name, we were intended to be a republic of White people exclusively we were never some "experiment" like some marxist demons like to spout, we were never intended to have large populations of "majority" people!! The White race is less than 8% of the world's population, down from 38% a hundred years ago, we must have our own "house" if we are to survive as a race-family!! The land of my White ancestors!! First Americans - Ancient White Migration Whites Are The True "Native" Americans!! Did the White Man Steal North America From the Indians? Read “The Invented indian” by James A. Clifton, editor, Copyright 1990, Transaction Publishers, ISBN 0-88738-341-6 for more information as to how the indians were truly “merciless savages” as described in the Declaration of Independence, preying upon each other constantly, not “noble savages”. Richard Kelly Hoskins - Indian Savagery, Lew Wetzel & The Seven Years War Richard Kelly Hoskins videos Europeans Were First Native Americans DID THE VIKINGS COLONIZE NEW ZEALAND BEFORE THE MAORI? Jew Calls For White Christian Genocide - Ishmael Levitts YET ANOTHER RABBI COMMANDING J£WS TO UTTERLY DESTROY THE WHITE RACE!! Note: This jew is a liar and a murderer just like it's father's Cain and Esau!! Jews are actually from Amalek, not modern Whites who are actually descended from the Israelite tribes!! World jewish Congress Calls For Another Holodomor - 2020 THE FINAL SOLUTION TO THE WHITE PROBLEM

Awful racist trash

(0.5 stars)

Title says it all

White Nationalist Propaganda

(0.5 stars)

Title says it all