A God-Entranced Vision of All Things - The Unrivaled Legacy of Jonathan Edwards
Various Speakers

"No one in the last 300 years has seen more of heaven, more of hell, more of happiness, and more of holiness than the New England pastor and theologian Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758). His vision of God and Christian living are unsurpassed in grandeur, gravity, and gladness. "In October of 2003 thousands gathered in Minneapolis, Minnesota to celebrate the 300th birthday of Jonathan Edwards with a God- centered, Christ-exalting tribute. In this audio collection, eight lovers of Edwards vision of God team up to expound and admire what he saw as he pondered God and his Word. The aim of each speaker is to set forth the weight of glory that Edwards felt, the depth of biblical truth that he knew, the radiance of the Redeemer that he saw, and the glorious harmony of all things in Christ."

Here is the "track" listing with the indivual speakers identified: Don Whitney: Pursuing a Passion for God through Spiritual Disciplines: Learning from Jonathan Edwards Iain Murray: Jonathan Edwards: The Life, the Man, and the Legacy J.I. Packer: The Glory of God and the Reviving of Religion John Piper: "A Divine And Supernatural Light Immediately Imparted to the Soul by the Spirit of God" John Piper: A God-Entranced Vision of All Things: Why We Need Jonathan Edwards Three Hundred Years Later Mark Dever: How Jonathan Edwards Got Fired, and Why It's Important for Us Today Noel Piper: Sarah Edwards: Jonathan's Home and Haven Sam Storms: Joy's Eternal Increase: Edwards on the Beauty of Heaven Sherard Burns: The Riches of Edwards for All Races