Christmas Outside Of Eden
Coningsby Dawson
Read by David Wales

A delightful Christmas fantasy told with inimitable charm and delicate humor. It is "the story the robins tell as they huddle beneath the holly on the Eve of Christmas"—the sensation created by the birth of the first baby, among the animals on earth, the angels in heaven, and even in the mind of the surprised Almighty Himself. The conception of the Deity is a primitive one, as required by the nature of the tale, and the story should be read as a "myth-story." - Publisher's Advertisement (1 hr 3 min)
Rather Entertaining, Fairly Original, Lots of God

The words "Christmas" and "Eden" foretell the cast of this tale: God, Adam, Eve, the Virgin Mary, etc. Humorously, God is presented as a reactive character rather than an immutable force. Adam, as well, is treated not as Man Primeval, but as a rather boastful, self-important fellow with delusions of grandeur. An interesting and funny take on the old story.