The House Without a Key
Earl Derr Biggers

The novel deals with the murder of a former member of Boston society who has lived in Hawaiʻi for a number of years. The main character is the victim’s nephew, a straitlaced young Bostonian bond trader, who came to the islands to try to convince his aunt Minerva, whose vacation has extended many months, to return to Boston. The nephew, John Quincy Winterslip, soon falls under the spell of the islands himself, meets an attractive young woman, breaks his engagement to his straitlaced Bostonian fiancee Agatha, and decides after the murder is solved to move to San Francisco. In the interval, he is introduced to many levels of Hawaiian society and is of some assistance to Detective Charlie Chan in solving the mystery. (Summary by Wikipedia)
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Kona Weather | 29:00 |
The High Hat | 11:30 |
Midnight on Russian Hill | 26:51 |
A Friend of Tim's | 19:48 |
The Blood of the Winterslip's | 17:13 |
Beyond the Bamboo Curtain | 13:05 |
Enter Charlie Chan | 24:57 |
Steamer Day | 22:27 |
At the Reef and Palm | 24:08 |
A Newspaper Ripper in Anger | 26:14 |
The Tree of Jewels | 33:17 |
Tom Brade the Blackbirder | 22:55 |
The Luggage in Room Nineteen | 22:03 |
What Kaohla Carried | 24:19 |
The Man From India | 30:49 |
The Return of Captain Cope | 24:25 |
Nightlife in Honolulu | 18:00 |
A Cable From The Mainland | 23:43 |
"Good-by, Pete!" | 32:26 |
The Story of Lau Ho | 22:04 |
The Stone Wall Crumbles | 25:57 |
The Light Streams Through | 29:46 |
Moonlight at the Crossroads | 10:38 |
well done

Well done plot as is this writerâs providence. Thanks to the readers for a pleasant experience
house without a key

A LibriVox Listener
house house. j house ho use

Ms. Elizabeth
Charlie Chan. Action, mystery, romance, and wit.