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What Have the Humanities to Teach the Modern University?

In TORCH | The Oxford Research in the Humanities

Read by Teresa Morgan, Stephen Whitefield, David Ford and Jonathan Phillips


University of Oxford Podcasts

Visions and Revisions

Read by Keri Ford

John Cowper Powys

Powys presents a set of literary devotions of great figures in Literature who have obsessed him. He attempts not so much a reasoned critique…

Conclusions: What have we learned? What should be done next?

In Politics and International Relations Podcasts

Read by Stephen Whitefield


Podcasts from the Department of Politics and International relations and its centres.

Welcome Speech

In The Egyptian Revolution, One Year On

Read by Stephen Whitefield


University of Oxford Podcasts

The Biography of a Prairie Girl

Read by Teresa Bauman

Eleanor Gates

This book is a wonderful way to learn about how the prairies were years ago, but you will hardly feel you are learning because you will be c…

Dooryard Stories

Read by Teresa Bauman

Clara Dillingham Pierson

A collections of stories about the animals around our houses, the birds, the cats, and even the bugs! Written in a humorous and very interes…

Bobby in Search of a Birthday

Read by Teresa Bauman

Lebbeus Mitchell

The sweet story of a five year old boy named Bobby, who is an orphan. When Bobby learns that other children have birthdays, he goes hunting …

Making Sense on Immigration

In The Engagement of Theory

Read by David Miller and Stephen Whitefield


University of Oxford Podcasts

Teddy Talks

Read by Lionel Barber and David Waring

Lionel Barber and David Waring

University of Oxford Podcasts

The Wealth of Nations, Book 1

Read by Stephen Escalera

Adam Smith

An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations is the magnum opus of the Scottish economist Adam Smith, published on March 9…

The Wealth of Nations, Book 2 and 3

Read by Stephen Escalera

Adam Smith

An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations is the magnum opus of the Scottish economist Adam Smith, published on March 9…

The Wealth of Nations, Book 4

Read by Stephen Escalera

Adam Smith

An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations is the magnum opus of the Scottish economist Adam Smith, published on March 9…

The Wealth of Nations, Book 5

Read by Stephen Escalera

Adam Smith

An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations is the magnum opus of the Scottish economist Adam Smith, published on March 9…

Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners

Read by Stephen Escalera

John Bunyan

Grace Abounding is the spiritual autobiography of John Bunyan, who also penned Pilgrim’s Progress, perhaps one of the most significant piece…

The Mortification of Sin in Believers

Read by Stephen Escalera

John Owen

John Owen, in this Puritan classic, writes succinctly of the matters of the heart in dealing with sin in the life of the Christian. In a way…

Butterflies Are Free To Fly

Read by Stephen Davis

Stephen Davis

When Nicolaus Copernicus discovered the Earth wasn’t the center of the Universe, everything changed. When Isaac Newton figured out the law o…

The Elements of Drawing

Read by Stephen Farthing

Stephen Farthing

University of Oxford Podcasts

It's a Good Old World

Read by Stephen Escalera

Bruce Barton

In this collection of essays, Bruce Barton, considered to be among the most influential advertising men of the 20th century, uses history, r…

The Bondage of the Will

Read by Jonathan Lange

Martin Luther

On the Bondage of the Will (Latin: 'De Servo Arbitrio', literally, "On Un-free Will", or "Concerning Bound Choice"), by …