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Sabina Murray: Bouncing Across the Plank: Politics, History, and Literary Imagin…

In Rothermere American Institute

Read by Sabina Murray


University of Oxford Podcasts

Purgatorio, Trentatreesimo Canto

In La Divina Commedia - Il Purgatorio

Read by Sabina

Dante Alighieri

Dante Alighieri racconta in questa opera il suo viaggio nei tre regni dell'oltre tomba. Il viaggio, avvenuto durante la settimana santa dell…

Prima Novella parte prima

In Il Decameron. Parte 01 - Giornata Prima

Read by Sabina

Giovanni Boccaccio

Il Decamerone è una raccolta di cento novelle scritta da Giovanni Boccaccio tra il 1349 e il 1351.Le novelle sono raccontate a turno …

Multidimensional poverty measurement for EU-SILC countries

In Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative

Read by Sabina Alkire


University of Oxford Podcasts

Researching Life in the Digital Age: A Philosophical Analysis of Data-Intensive …

In Oxford Internet Institute

Read by Sabina Leonelli


University of Oxford Podcasts

Measuring Global Poverty

In Alumni Weekend

Read by Sabina Alkire


University of Oxford Podcasts


In From Dreamland Sent

Read by Rachel Murray

Lilian Whiting

This is a volume of poetry by Lilian Whiting. As the title of the volume already hints at, the poems share a dreamy atmosphere, and in that …