Search Results

Chapter 18 - Guess-work

In The Red House Mystery (Version 2)

Read by Kirsten Wever

A. A. Milne

Author A. A. Milne is best known to the world as the creator of Winnie-the-Pooh. Yet Milne was versatile, having written dozens of plays, h…

15 - 'The Shorn Lamb'

In An Amiable Charlatan

Read by Kirsten Wever

E. Phillips Oppenheim

An Englishman is enjoying his dinner at Stephano's, at which he is a regular diner. A man enters quickly, sits at his table, starts eating h…

Chapter 14: Wherein Theydon Suffers From Faint Heart

In Number Seventeen

Read by Kirsten Wever

Louis Tracy

The number Seventeen refers (at first) to the London apartment of a young widow who is strangled (off-scene) at the beginning of the book. H…

Chapter 21 – Changes In The Staff

In The Prince and Betty (version 2)

Read by Kirsten Wever

P. G. Wodehouse

The story moves from a royal palace in Europe to a squalid tenement in New York. The European action centers on the efforts of an uncouth mi…

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