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09 - Chapter 4 Part 2

In Jerusalem - The Emanation of the Giant Albion

Read by Nick Duncan

William Blake

The epic poem Jerusalem was in Blake's own opinion his masterpiece. It is the last of the great prophetic books. Originally produced as an e…

Shakespeare's Fools

In Alumni Weekend

Read by Katherine Duncan-Jones


University of Oxford Podcasts

Chapter 6

In The Secret Agent

Read by Greg

conrad_j and Joseph Conrad

The Secret Agent is Conrad's dark, and darkly comic story of a band of spies, anarchists, agents-provocateurs plotting and counter-plotting …

Republic and Motherland

In Short Poetry Collection 252

Read by Greg

Alfred Noyes

This is a collection of 39 poems read in English by LibriVox volunteers during May 2024.

Part 1 Chapter 1

In Notes from the Underground

Read by Greg

dostoyevsky_f and Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s short masterpiece about a ranting, slightly mad civil servant. The stylistic inventiveness, and the insights into the a…

Knowledge and Safety

In Religious Epistemology, Contextualism, and Pragmatic Encroachment

Read by Duncan Pritchard and Declan Smithies


University of Oxford Podcasts

Risk and response: a business perspective on water security

In Water Security, Risk and Society Conference

Read by Greg Koch


University of Oxford Podcasts

The Concept of Public Body in the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Meas…

In Public International Law Discussion Group

Read by Greg Messenger


University of Oxford Podcasts

Who Leads, Who Follows? A Multi-level Perspective of Energy Transitions in the T…

In Transport Studies Unit Podcasts

Read by Greg Marsden


University of Oxford Podcasts

The Craft of Humanitarian Work: Reflection, Political Judgment and Strategic Int…

In Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict

Read by Greg Johnson


University of Oxford Podcasts

Old Boats - Read by GG

In Old Boats

Read by Greg Giordano

Theodosia Garrison

There is little information on Theodosia Garrison available. This poem is taken from The Dreamers and Other Poems, George H. Doran Company, …

An Impromptu

In From Dreamland Sent

Read by Greg Giordano

Lilian Whiting

This is a volume of poetry by Lilian Whiting. As the title of the volume already hints at, the poems share a dreamy atmosphere, and in that …

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