Search Results

Darwin 200

Read by Richard Dawkins, Richard Harries and Jeremy Paxman

Richard Dawkins, Richard Harries and Jeremy Paxman

University of Oxford Podcasts

Origins of Nature

Read by Richard Dawkins, Rowan Williams and Anthony Kenny

Richard Dawkins, Rowan Williams and Anthony Kenny

University of Oxford Podcasts

Global Economic Governance: Globalisation and the Financial Crisis

Read by Ngaire Woods, Christina Ward and Jeni Whalen

Ngaire Woods, Christina Ward and Jeni Whalen

University of Oxford Podcasts

La Bella Principessa: A Leonardo Discovered

Read by Martin Kemp, Kathryn Barush and Maya Corry

Martin Kemp, Kathryn Barush and Maya Corry

University of Oxford Podcasts

Jesus College

Read by Niall Ferguson, Richard Evans and Lord Bragg

Niall Ferguson, Richard Evans and Lord Bragg

University of Oxford Podcasts

Judgement and Justice: The Life and Diary of William Godwin

Read by Mark Philp, David O’Shaughnessy and Ellen Sandford O'Neill

Mark Philp, David O’Shaughnessy and Ellen Sandford O'Neill

University of Oxford Podcasts

Social Media and Faith

Read by Robin Dunbar, Jenny Rutherford, Graham Ward and Joel Harrison

Robin Dunbar, Jenny Rutherford, Graham Ward and Joel Harrison

University of Oxford Podcasts

Oxford Physics Research

Read by Chris Lintott, Roger Davies, Jo Dunkley and katherine blundell

Chris Lintott, Roger Davies, Jo Dunkley and katherine blundell

University of Oxford Podcasts

Study Skills

Read by Sally LePage, Liz Timoney White, Inés Dawson and Luke Ogilvie-Thomson

Sally LePage, Liz Timoney White, Inés Dawson and Luke Ogilvie-Thomson

University of Oxford Podcasts

Remembering the Corpus [Part 3]

In A Corpus, Not a Canon

Read by Marina Warner, Dominique Jullien, Ros Ballaster, Wen-Chin Ouyang and Matthew Reynolds


University of Oxford Podcasts

St. Cross College

Read by Laela Adamson, Shannon Keiley, Thad Parsons, Amy Yang, Quincy Prentice and Hsien Chan

Laela Adamson, Shannon Keiley, Thad Parsons, Amy Yang, Quincy Prentice and Hsie…

University of Oxford Podcasts

La Chasse-Galerie (plus "l'intro")

In La Chasse-galerie

Read by Wen Rolland

Honore Beaugrand and Honoré Beaugrand

Il s'agit de l'histoire de bûcherons de la Gatineau qui font un pacte avec le diable afin de faire voler un canot pour qu'ils puissent…

Nettles, The

In Moments of Vision and Miscellaneous Verses (Selection)

Read by Wen Rolland

Thomas Hardy

Hardy claimed poetry as his first love, and published collections until his death in 1928. Although not as well received by his contemporari…

Fighting to end Tuberculosis

In Vaccine Research at Oxford

Read by Helen McShane and Helen Fletcher


University of Oxford Podcasts

Shaped by the Classics?

In Oxford Comparative Criticism and Translation (OCCT)

Read by Tania Demetriou, Helen Slaney, Henriette Korthals Altes and John McKeane


University of Oxford Podcasts

Structural Genomics Consortium Oxford

In NDM Units

Read by Wen Hwa Lee


University of Oxford Podcasts

The Yo-semité Valley by C. F. Gordon-Cumming

In Greatest Wonders of the World

Read by Helen

Esther Singleton

A selection of descriptions of famous, and not so famous, natural beauty spots, as described by various travelers of the age. Travelers incl…

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