A comparative study of sign language among Native American peoples as it relates to other peoples of the 19 century world. - Summary by afut…
The Sacco and Vanzetti trial was one of the most divisive events of 1920's America. As Russell writes, " If one was middle class and Re…
Volume 3: Analysis of the Sexual Impulse; Love and PainIn the study of Love and Pain I have discussed the sources of those aberrations which…
Η φύση, ο πόλεμος, η ειρήνη, η συγχώρεση και οι ανθρώπινες αδυναμίες και επιθυμίες είναι συνυφασμένες σε αυτήν τη συλλογή ποιημάτων. Ο Ιωάνν…
A description of the animal world, from the smallest protozoa all the way to man eating tigers!
Sir Richard wants his daughter Valeria to marry a Navy Captain, but she is more interested in young Ensign Lovely. Meanwhile.... - Summary b…
The Dialogues which form the latter part of the book were heard with much interest and profit at some of the London meetings; I think the pe…
Написанные и впервые вышедшие в свет в середине XIX века, "Записки Охотника" Ивана Сергеевича Тургенева открывают перед нами мир п…