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Chapter 18

In Will Warburton

Read by Zeprina-Jaz Ainsworth

George Gissing

Published two years after Gissing's death, this novel tells the story of Will Warburton. Will loses his money in a failed business venture a…

South of the Slot, Part 2

In The Strength of the Strong

Read by Zeprina-Jaz Ainsworth

Jack London

Seven short stories, written around the middle of London's writing career. The stories take place in diverse settings and time periods, from…

Chapter 15

In The Day's Journey

Read by Zeprina-Jaz Ainsworth

Netta Syrett

Netta Syrett was the niece of Grant Allen and a "new woman" in her own right. Educated at the University of Cambridge, she tried t…

Chapter 15

In Discoveries Among the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon

Read by Zeprina-Jaz Ainsworth

Austen Layard

Austen Henry Layard is best known as the excavator of Nimrud and of Nineveh, where he uncovered a large proportion of the Assyrian palace re…

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