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In The Omnipotent Self

Read by Andy Glover

Paul Bousfield

“Nature has granted to all to be happy if we but knew how to use her gifts.”—Claudius. Often we feel "down" or "low", wi…

Chapter 24

In Home Education Series Vol. II: Parents and Children

Read by Andy Glover

Charlotte Mason

Volume two of the Home Education Series by Charlotte Mason talks about parents and children. Charlotte breaks down a couple of different top…

An Inadequate Fee to The Massacre

In Fantastic Fables

Read by Daniel Glover

Ambrose Bierce

A collection of 245 short funny fables - Summary by Inkell

Chapter XXIV - Agricultural Machinery

In The Romance of Modern Mechanism

Read by Andy Glover

Archibald Williams

In 1910, when this book was published, the advancement of modern mechanism was still moving at a rapid pace. It must have seemed like very d…

Rest Homes for Workers

In The Bolshevik Myth

Read by Andy Glover

Alexander Berkman

The Bolshevik Myth (Diary 1920–1922) is a book by Alexander Berkman who with his partner Emma Goldman was deported from the USA under the 19…

Chapter 13

In The Time Machine (Version 6)

Read by Blake Glover

H. G. Wells

The Time Traveller entertains the guests at a dinner party with the tale of his journey forward in time to A.D. 802,701 using his new invent…

Glovers in the Eighteenth Century

In Gloves Past and Present

Read by Andy Glover

Willard M. Smith

From the preface: "For thirty years I have devoted myself to the practical problems of the glove industry, and my connection with one o…

Cosmogony in Transition

In Astronomy: The Science of the Heavenly Bodies

Read by Andy Glover

David Todd

The progress of astronomy from age to age has been far from uniform—rather by leaps and bounds: from the earliest epoch when man's planet ea…

11. Hard Times

In History of England In Words of One Syllable

Read by Andy Glover

Helen W. Pierson

A simple history of England written principally with words of one syllable. Books of these kind, I understand, are helpful for both beginnin…

The Sixth Commandment of God

In Familiar Instructions and Evening Lectures on All the Truths of Religion, Volum…

Read by Andy Glover

Louis Gaston De Segur

Brief instruction on numerous subjects pertaining to the Catholic faith, the Sacraments, the Ten Commandments and more. (Summary by Maria Th…

Hold Fast, Tom

In The Art of Story-Telling, with nearly half a hundred stories

Read by Andy Glover

Julia Darrow Cowles

In preparing this book the author has sought to awaken a keener perception and a higher appreciation of the artistic and ethical value of st…

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