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Agua Fuerte

Read by josh

Rubén Darío

Félix Rubén García Sarmiento, conocido como Rubén Darío (Metapa, hoy Ciudad Darío, Matagalpa, 18 d…

Elogio De La Vida Campestre

Read by josh


El autor es Horacio. Quinto Horacio Flaco (en latín Quintus Horatius Flaccus) (Venusia, hoy Venosia Apulia, 8 de diciembre del 65 adC…

El Tilichero

Read by josh


Es un cuento anónimo narrado por su autor...

El Est?o

Read by josh

José Joaquín De Mora

José Joaquín de Mora escribió sobre derecho y filosofía en función de su labor docente, pero tambié…

A La Rosa

Read by josh

Francisco De Rioja

A la Rosa Francisco de Rioja se licenció en leyes, se ordenó y fue canónigo de la catedral de Sevilla; fue renomb…

The Column of Dust

Read by Josh Mitteldorf

Evelyn Underhill

Evelyn Underhill, the preeminent scholar of mysticism, wrote 3 novels in her youth, of which this is #3. Constance Tyrrel, a poor but liter…

Impressions of Theophrastus Such

Read by Josh Mitteldorf

George Eliot

Impressions of Theophrastus Such is a work of fiction by George Eliot, first published in 1879. It was Eliot's last published writing and he…

Jim Davis

Read by Josh Mitteldorf

John Masefield

The tale of a 12-year-old boy who falls in with smugglers. Jim, an orphan, is sent to live with relatives along the Devon coast. There he ac…

Sonnets and Poems

Read by Josh Mitteldorf

John Masefield

47 poems, most of them sonnets, most on the subjects of beauty and death, touching the mystery just beyond the known. - Summary by Josh Mitt…

Zero chance? Aiming for zero in weapons control

In Getting to Zero: Michaelmas Term Seminar Series 2009

Read by Richard Price


University of Oxford Podcasts

Rigour and Openness in 21st Century Science: Panel 3 Part 3

In Open Science

Read by Richard Price


University of Oxford Podcasts

The Ascent of Mt. Ararat

In Across Asia on a Bicycle

Read by Jim Price

Thomas Gaskell Allen

In 1890, two Americans newly graduated from college set out to travel around the world on a then-new invention, the modern bicycle. In 1893 …

The magician turned mischief-maker

In Old Fashioned Fairy Tales

Read by Kent Price

Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing

Ogres, hillmen, and both fairies and fools abound by forest and town in this book by Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing. Designed to cultivate imag…

Chapter 56

In Ask Mamma: or The Richest Commoner In England

Read by Jamie Price

Robert Smith Surtees

Considering that Billy Pringle, or Fine Billy, as his good-natured friends called him, was only an underbred chap, he was as good an imitati…

Picciola (Adapted) by St. Saintine

In The Emerald Story Book

Read by Cindy Price


There is no richer theme for children’s stories than the miracle of Spring. The selections in “The Emerald Story Book” aim to serve the youn…

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