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Jesse James, My Father

Gelesen von Barry Eads

(4,427 Sterne; 41 Bewertungen)

A biography of Jesse James as told by his son, Jesse James, Jr. We are treated to inside tales of Jesse's childhood and home life; what drove him to become a Confederate guerrilla during the Civil War; his life after the war and how he became a wanted man. Since it was written by his son, it is a little biased and we are not told anything about any crimes Jesse and his gang committed. Some of the stories of Jesse's war adventures are a little hard to believe, but a good read nonetheless. - Summary by Barry Eads (4 hr 40 min)




Read by Barry Eads

The Death of Jesse James


Read by Barry Eads

Things I Remember of My Father


Read by Barry Eads

The James Family


Read by Barry Eads

The Border Wars


Read by Barry Eads

Jesse James as a Guerrilla, Part 1


Read by Barry Eads

Jesse James as a Guerrilla, Part 2


Read by Barry Eads

Closing Days of the Border Warfare


Read by Barry Eads

After the War


Read by Barry Eads

Outlawed and Hunted, Part 1


Read by Barry Eads

Outlawed and Hunted, Part 2


Read by Barry Eads

Outlawed and Hunted, Part 3


Read by Barry Eads

Jesse James, Jr.


Read by Barry Eads

The Leeds Hold-up, Part 1


Read by Barry Eads

The Leeds Hold-up, Part 2


Read by Barry Eads

The Trial for Train Robbery, Part 1


Read by Barry Eads

The Trial for Train Robbery, Part 2


Read by Barry Eads

The Trial for Train Robbery, Part 3


Read by Barry Eads

The Trial for Train Robbery, Part 4


Read by Barry Eads

In Conclusion


Read by Barry Eads


J James my Father

(4,5 Sterne)

I found Mr Eads reading enthralling. It brought the book to live. Like theatre of the mind. It was historically interesting how James Jr went from his father's live to his. He had to confront the grudges and hatreds carried over from the war. Politics not that different from today. A good book, great reading.

a primary start for your research into jesse james

(5 Sterne)

this book is split into jesse James's life as well as his son's both of which are exeptionaly interesting. the level of historical detail as well as the way it is recounted is superb. the reader is one of the best I've heard.


(4 Sterne)

Well read and interesting account. I stopped once he writer got into his own history but the parts I hear were worth a listen.

(5 Sterne)

it was very interesting to read about Jesse James from the perspective of his son.

(5 Sterne)

Very interesting information about Jesse James. The trial of Jesse James Jr. not so much.

the truth behind the man

(4 Sterne)

Very interesting to listen to this historical record of Jesse James as true to life; as it is so often with much glamorizing fiction that we hear of historical figures.