The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers, Book VI
Gelesen von bala
Diogenes Laertius

There are 10 divisions in this title. This project is a recording of book 6. There is a number of interesting anecdotes on the lives of Antisthenes, Diogenes of Sinope, Monimus, Onesicritus, Crates of Thebes, Metrocles, Hipparchia, Menippus and Menedemus. Their school of thought is known an Cynicism. Most of the text in this book is devoted to the anecdotes concerning Diogenes's life and sayings. Even Alexander envied his life saying that if he had not been Alexander, he should have liked to be Diogenes.
(Summary by bala) (1 hr 59 min)
Accents aside I think the reader did well.

This audiobook as it is before I rate it has a 1-star rating from 1 review. The objection seems to be against the reader rather than against the book itself. To consider this a poor reading I think is to be unfairly biased against a particular accent. After becoming accustomed to the accent I think the reader did well.
thefun read!! I love cynicism and the history of it's inception
Brian A

loved the pace of the reader and timing of the story
Terrible reading very hard to understand

bad accent

well, it is a very bad accent. if you speed up the playback, you don‘t understand a lot. audio quality is also subpar.
the reader speak ((English))

enough said in the title.!