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At the Time Appointed

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(4,446 Sterne; 46 Bewertungen)

"Those who remember that excellent detective story, That Mainwaring Affair will expect to find plenty of mystery and exciting incidents in A. Maynard Barbour's latest novel, called At the Time Appointed, and they will realize their expectations.The author has a certain way of forecasting events and making people utter prophetic words, all bound to find their fulfillment somewhere before the last chapter is ended, that is eminently characteristic of one who delights in the knitting and raveling of the intricate plots which are a prime necessity in a detective story. The title itself cleverly suggests a long series of events slowly converging toward some mysteriously critical moment in which all their crookedness is revealed and made straight for the delectation of at least two people; and the is exactly the kind of a title for this story of long-delayed justice and patient hoping. The main object in a story of this kind is to make the events hang together and the narration of them entertaining. Both these requisites are attained. People will be sure to read this story at one sitting, even if that involves hearing the clock strike several times after midnight and that is one test of at least one kind of excellence in a novel." (excerpts from the NY Times review of At the Time Appointed published July 18, 1903) (11 hr 43 min)


John Darrell


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John Britton


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'Until the Day Break'


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'She knows her Father's Will is Law'


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The Fetters Broken


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The 'Hermitage'


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John Britton's Story


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The Rending of the Veil


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'As a Dream when One Awaketh'


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John Darrell's Story


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After Many Years


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An Eastern Home


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Into the Fulness of Life


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A Warning


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A Fiend at Bay


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Senora Martinez


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The Identification


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At the Time Appointed


Read by Patti Cunningham


(5 Sterne)

I adored this story and the readers. I feel the storyline does not get hung up on any one issue. Taken within the context of the period. .I feel the main character really respects all the female characters even by today's standards! The union issues addressed are not the much needed safety issues. I hated for it too end!

Now here's a story!

(5 Sterne)

The story opens with a theft and the murder of young Whitcomb aboard a train. The very ill John Darrell witnesses the murder, but he unfortunately suffers from amnesia shortly after due to the illness. The family of the murdered young man takes him in where he acquits himself admirably, working to earn his keep despite the blank in his memory. But this wouldn't be a story without a twist to it. Living in the same household is Kathy. Kathy's father means to have her marry the wealthy Walcott, but her heart belongs to John. Add to this that her father's business partner John Britton also doesn't like Walcott, but would see Kate marry John. But everyone has a secret to keep, even Britton. Who is John Darrell, what is his secret past, and who is the real murderer of Whitcomb? Reader was excellent, recordings were excellent. Enjoy!

A cozy from the past

(3 Sterne)

I'm in the middle of the story and feel like I'm on a train - not the one in the book but one to the "inevitably cozy" romantic ending of many books of the era. On display are the usual tropes of religious belief, poetic discourse, cultural norms and prejudices. ("That Mainwaring Affair " seemed less time-bound. I enjoyed that one.) I'll come back and update this review if I manage to finish this. The readers are fine.

Good Storylines

(4 Sterne)

JDanison's review is odd. It doesn't describe the main points to the story. It's a touch of a whodunit with scoundrel scamming, a mysterious woman, amnesia, & love (among family, friends, & suitors). It's not too complicated to follow though. I think it has something for everyone.

beautiful story. beautiful love.

(4 Sterne)

one of the few books, with various readers, I will listen to. Beautiful stories of love between a man and woma, father and daughter, father and son, and friends.


(5 Sterne)

This was a really sweet book. Somewhat predictable, but still good. There is one narrator who reads in a monotone, but I enjoyed the book too much to stop listening.

Lovely, deep story

(5 Sterne)

I really enjoyed this story! I liked the characters and the plot twists greatly, but (of course) it has a wonderful ending too!

(3,5 Sterne)

too much religion some readers hard to listen to a bit slow moving