The Marie Antoinette Romances, Vol 1: Balsamo, The Magician
Gelesen von John Van Stan
Alexandre Dumas

This is the first volume of Dumas' Marie Antoinette Romances (also called "The Memoirs of a Physician"). This historical fiction chronicles the strange events surrounding the fall of the French monarchy (starting ~1770) and rise of revolutionaries so terrifying that the period is still called "The Reign of Terrors" (1793-1794). In this volume, a renowned magician, Count Alessandro di Cagliostro (Balsamo), employs various occult tactics, like hypnotism and necromancy, to gain state secrets. Balsamo claims to be plotting against the Bourbons, but one must wonder whether this 3000 year old sorcerer has an ulterior motive... - Summary by jvanstan (10 hr 55 min)
Sara Virginia

Wonderfully read! Dumas is always entertaining and Mr. Van Stan brings such life to each character!
hamid golchin

grat reading.enjoid evry minte of it.thank you.

Not exactly what I expected from these chronicles, but interesting enough. Van Stan is at the top of his game. On to volume II.
Van Stan never Van Stammers!
Tim S.

Excellent and a bit weird. As always, Van Stan does not Van Stammer (unless it’s written in the text)