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Deciphering the Golden Flower One Secret at a Time

Gelesen von JJ Semple

(4,393 Sterne; 42 Bewertungen)

JJ Semple doesn’t just wake up one day and say to himself, “I’m going to crack the coded mysteries in The Secret of the Golden Flower.” He starts life in the protected upper echelons of the Eastern Brahmin establishment. When a childhood accident robs him of his most precious talents — music and mathematics — both of which he is particularly gifted in, he succumbs to a long period of misadventure.

Paris 1970, a stranger gives him a copy of The Secret of the Golden Flower. After reading the book, he realizes that through serendipitous happenstance he has stumbled across the only way of correcting the effects of his childhood accident. This book is an extraordinary statement about the inevitability of karma and the obstacles to self-realization.

While Deciphering the Golden Flower One Secret at a Time is an interpretive companion piece to The Secret of the Golden Flower, it’s also a masterfully composed personal narrative. The author, JJ Semple shares his many years of first-hand practice with the sacred book’s meditation system. One-by-one, he reveals the techniques behind the book’s secrets, providing clear instructions on how to use them. Not even Richard Wilhelm, the translator, or Carl Gustav Jung, the famous psychologist, who wrote the original commentary to The Secret of the Golden Flower, were able to plumb the depths of this method.

"Semple’s narrative command might invoke the envy of a best-selling novelist. And his facility with the language, his ability to effortlessly (or so it seems, without effort) to find just the right word or expression to make his story vivid and engaging for the reader is highly admirable. Furthermore the prose is polished and very nicely edited. The book is pleasure to read and it reads fast."

~ Dennis Littrell/Amazon
Top 50 Reviewer

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Chapter 01: Accident

Read by JJ Semple

Chapter 02: Consequences

Read by JJ Semple

Chapter 03: Stumbling

Read by JJ Semple

Chapter 04: Failure

Read by JJ Semple

Chapter 05: Disintegration

Read by JJ Semple

Chapter 06: Intuition

Read by JJ Semple

Chapter 07: Renunciation

Read by JJ Semple

Chapter 08: Discovery

Read by JJ Semple

Chapter 09: Surrender

Read by JJ Semple

Chapter 10: Awakening

Read by JJ Semple

Chapter 11: Adjustment

Read by JJ Semple

Chapter 12: Consolidation

Read by JJ Semple

Chapter 13: India

Read by JJ Semple

Chapter 14: Relapse

Read by JJ Semple

Chapter 15: Integration

Read by JJ Semple

Chapter 16: Prologue

Read by JJ Semple

Chapter 17: Epilogue

Read by JJ Semple



(5 Sterne)

Half way through and can't stop listening! If you have gone through any type of spiritual experience and tried to tell someone.... you will resenate with this. Feels good to not be alone! Amazing Job on the book sir!! Thank you for fanning my fire🔥 Excited to hear how you integrate into life as this is a big interesting to me :)... ok back to the book!!!

amazing prose, story, insights into development

(5 Sterne)

you could believe all whom know these experiences to true are actually insane and still love the flow, story telling and writing style of the artist. life changing, smart, funny but serious . incredibly I think I've had this experience but from an injury as a child. except I didn't hide it . we healed

(0 Sterne)

In your final sentence you said "Not even Richard Wilhelm, the translator, or Carl Gustav Jung, the famous psychologist, who wrote the original commentary to The Secret of the Golden Flower, were able to plumb the depths of this method." Do you think anyone is going to be able to ...

(0 Sterne)

"...he realizes that through serendipitous happenstance he has stumbled across the only way of correcting the effects of his childhood accident. This book is an extraordinary statement about the inevitability of karma and the obstacles to self-realization." I love that! My "childhood accident" was living with an emotionally abusive parent ...

(0 Sterne)

Michael, Some people have criticized this book, saying I didn't include any real Golden Flower secrets. Au contraire, not only do I reveal how to use <a href="" rel="nofollow"><b>Golden Flower Meditation</b></a> to activate Kundalini, I show the inexorability of how I was drawn toward the path of self-realization in spite ...

(0 Sterne)

As a personal narrative -- an autobiography -- this was rather gripping and well written. As an introduction, or invitation, to meditative practices... it scared me. I have been fighting mental instability for a couple of decades now, and the description of how deep mortification of the flesh JJ had ...


(1 Sterne)

This has next to nothing to do with the secret of the golden flower. You are better off reading and then re-reading the original. Better to not understand WTF the horse is going about than to believe this.

(0 Sterne)

Good question, Matt. The difference is they <i>studied</i> <a href="" rel="nofollow">the method</a>; I <i>practiced</i> it. I think the difference will become apparent as you read/listen to the book. Inside-out as opposed to outside-in.